- Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame Fame
This command line tool is similar to git fame
, but this is much faster.
People were complaining that the ruby/python tools were too slow, so I wrote this.
$ npm install -g fame
For latest version, use:
npm view fame version

By default, a table is printed to the console. If you want JSON output, use the --json flag.
fame --json
fame --author=alex
fame --branch=dev --author=alex
fame --author=donnie --author=ronnie --author=jonnie
Handling multiple email addresses for same person.
fame --add-user <display name> -e <email>
now, when fame runs at the command line, it will pick up the info from this file ($HOME/fame.conf.json), to combine info from the different emails.
You can add multiple emails like so:
fame -u <display name> -e <email> -e <email>
Sorting with --order and --sort options
You can sort using the --sort and --order options.
For example:
fame --sort=1 --order=asc # will sort by the the 2nd column, ascending
fame --sort=2,3 --order=desc # will sort by the the 3rd and 4th column, with the 3rd column the priority
Or for example, instead of numbers you can also just use the name (case-insensitive) of the column:
fame --sort='added lines, files modified' --order=asc
Comma-separated list, case-insensitive and whitespace-insensitive
Matching on files (ignoring files too)
fame --match='\.js'
fame --extension='.js' # better to just use the regex option tho
To match all .ts files but no .d.ts files, you would do:
fame --match='\.ts$' --not-match='\.d\.ts$'
Remember these strings are passed to new RegExp()
so have to escpae the . etc.