The author of this plugin will continue to support it in a separate repo exclusively as part of ProPlugins. This repo will remain supported by the NativeScript community.
This plugin is supported by the NativeScript community. All PRs are welcome but make sure that the demo applications work correctly before creating a new PR. If you do not have an issue you are facing but want to contribute to this plugin you can find a list of the on going issues here.
- Fork the repo
- Add new functionality or fix an issue and push it to your fork
- Start both demo and demo-ng apps and make sure they work correctly (make sure that no console errors are thrown on both iOS and Android)
- From your fork create a PR targeting the 'master' branch of this repository
Thank you for your contribution.
A NativeScript widget that will allow you to easily swipe and zoom through a list of images.
Run the following command from the root of your project:
tns plugin add nativescript-image-swipe
This command automatically installs the necessary files, as well as stores nativescript-image-swipe as a dependency in your project's package.json file.
There is no additional configuration needed!
- pageChanged
Triggered when the user swipes to the next/previous image in the list.
- pageChangedEvent - String
String value used when hooking to pageChanged event.
ios - UIScrollView
Gets the native iOS view that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on iOS. -
android -
Gets the native android widget that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on Android OS. -
items - Array | ObservableArray
Gets or sets the items collection of the ImageSwipe. The items property can be set to an array or an object defining length and getItem(index) method. -
pageNumber - Number
Gets or sets the currently visible image. -
imageUrlProperty - string
Gets or sets the property inside the items' object that defines the Url from where to load the images -
allowZoom - boolean (default: true)
Gets or sets whether zoom is enabled
You need to add xmlns:is="nativescript-image-swipe"
to your page tag, and then simply use <is:ImageSwipe/>
in order to add the widget to your page.
<!-- test-page.xml -->
<Page xmlns="" xmlns:is="nativescript-image-swipe" navigatingTo="navigatingTo">
<is:ImageSwipe items="{{ items }}" imageUrlProperty="imageUrl"
pageNumber="{{ pageNumber }}" pageChanged="pageChanged" backgroundColor="#000000">
// test-page.ts
import { EventData, Observable } from "data/observable";
import { ObservableArray } from "data/observable-array";
import { Page } from "ui/page";
import { PageChangeEventData } from "nativescript-image-swipe";
let viewModel: Observable;
export function navigatingTo(args: EventData) {
const page = args.object as Page;
const items = new ObservableArray();
items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
viewModel = new Observable();
viewModel.set("items", items);
viewModel.set("pageNumber", 3);
page.bindingContext = viewModel;
export function pageChanged(e: PageChangeEventData) {
console.log(`Page changed to ${}.`);
In order to use the ImageSwipe
you must register it in BOTH your main.ts
and main.aot.ts
// main.ts
import { platformNativeScriptDynamic } from "nativescript-angular/platform";
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
import { AppModule } from "./app.module";
registerElement("ImageSwipe", () => require("nativescript-image-swipe/image-swipe").ImageSwipe);
<!-- test.component.html -->
<ImageSwipe [items]="items" imageUrlProperty="imageUrl"
[pageNumber]="pageNumber" (pageChanged)="pageChanged($event)" backgroundColor="#000000">
// test.component.ts
import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
import { PageChangeEventData } from "nativescript-image-swipe";
selector: "demo",
templateUrl: "./test.component.html",
export class ImageSwipeComponent implements OnInit {
public items: any[] = [];
public pageNumber: number = 3;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
this.items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
this.items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
this.items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
this.items.push({ imageUrl: "" });
public pageChanged(e: PageChangeEventData) {
console.log(`Page changed to ${}.`);
This repository includes both Angular and plain NativeScript demos. In order to run those execute the following in your shell:
$ git clone
$ cd nativescript-image-swipe
$ npm install
$ npm run demo-ios
This will run the plain NativeScript demo project on iOS. If you want to run it on Android simply use the -android
instead of the -ios
If you want to run the Angular demo simply use the demo-ng-
prefix instead of demo-