- Python
- Ununtu 20.04 VM
- Windows 10 (21H2)
- ARP Cache Poisoning
- MITM Attack on Telnet using ARP Cache Poisoning
- MITM Attack on Netcat using ARP Cache Poisoning
- Build the docker images, it can take one additional parameter to be used in the build process, e.g../dc-build.sh --no-cache
- Start the docker containers in the foreground../dc-up-d.sh
- Start the docker containers in the background../dc-stop.sh
- Stop the docker containers, it can take one additional parameter to be used in the stop process../dc-down.sh
- Stop and remove the docker containers, it can take one additional parameter to be used in the stop and remove process../dc-unittest.sh
- Utility script to aid in running a specific unit test class.
Using Scapy for Sniffing and Spoofing:
- Launching an ARP cache poisoning attack on a target machine
- Launching MITM attack on Telnet.
- Launching MITM atatck on netcat
- Launching an ARP cache poisoning attack on a target machine