- HDLBits
- TestBench.in
- Asic World
- FPGA Tutorial
- Chipverify
- VLSI Verify
- Circuit Cove
- Verificatioin Guide
- OpenCores
- FPGA-Systems
- Marsohod
- Истовый Инженер
- EDA playground
- Verilog for Beginners
- Chip Design School
- Разработка аппаратного обеспечения
- Архитектура и язык ассемблера RISC-V
- Introduction to FPGA
- Архитектура ЭВМ
- Основы программирования встраиваемых систем
- Lectures Verilog
- Lectures STM32 v2
- SPI Project in FPGA - Ambient Light Sensor
- AXI and AXI Stream
- Zynq
- Уроки FPGA
- Цифровая обработка сигналов
- Основы программирования
- Harvard CS50 на русском
- Архитектуры процессорных систем
- Архитектура компьютеров и Операционные системы
- Записки CPU designer'a
- Xilinx Zynq 7000
- VFA (Verification For All)
- FPGA-Systems
- DocsTech
- Истовый Инженер
- IP Cores
- Джон Л. Хеннесси, Дэвид А. Паттерсон "Компьютерная архитектура. Количественный подход"
- Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPU
- schoolMIPS - A small MIPS CPU core originally based on Sarah L. Harris MIPS CPU ("Digital Design and Computer Arhitecture" by David Money Harris and Sarah L Harris).
- RARS - RARS, the RISC-V Assembler, Simulator, and Runtime, will assemble and simulate the execution of RISC-V assembly language programs.
- schoolRISCV - Tiny RISCV CPU. Originally based on Sarah L. Harris MIPS CPU ("Digital Design and Computer Arhitecture" by David Money Harris and Sarah L Harris) and schoolMIPS project.
- LUMOS - Multicycle RISC-V processor that implements a subset of RV32I instruction set, designed for educational use in computer organization classes at Iran University of Science and Technology.
- PicoRV32 - PicoRV32 is a CPU core that implements the RISC-V RV32IMC Instruction Set.
- MIRISCV - CPU core that implements ISA RV32IM.
- Ibex - Production-quality open source 32-bit RISC-V CPU that supports the Integer (I) or Embedded (E), Integer Multiplication and Division (M), Compressed (C), and B (Bit Manipulation) extensions.
- Zip CPU - The Zip CPU is a small, light-weight, RISC CPU.
- CORE-V Wally - Configurable RISC-V Processor associated with RISC-V System-on-Chip Design textbook. Contains a 5-stage pipeline, support for A, B, C, D, F, M and Q extensions, and optional caches, BP, FPU, VM/MMU, AHB, RAMs, and peripherals.
- RISCV-DV - RISCV-DV is a SV/UVM based open-source instruction generator for RISC-V processor verification.
- AAPG - Automated Assembly Program Generator for the RISC-V ISA.
- APS - Лекции и лабораторные по курсу «Архитектуры процессорных систем»
- NERV - NERV is a very simple single-stage RV32I processor.
- Snippy - This is an LLVM project fork containing the LLVM-snippy generator.
- VeeR-ISS - Whisper is a RISC-V instruction set simulator (ISS) developed for the verification of the Veer micro-controller.
- VeeR EH2 - Machine-mode (M-mode) only, 32-bit CPU core which supports RISC-V’s integer (I), compressed instruction (C), multiplication and division (M), atomic (A), and instruction-fetch fence, CSR, and subset of bit manipulation instructions (Zb*) extensions.
- Spike - Spike, the RISC-V ISA Simulator, implements a functional model of one or more RISC-V harts.
- uRV - The uRV (Micro RISC-V) core is a small-sized implementation of a 32-bit RISC-V core, targeted specifically at FPGAs.
- Hummingbirdv2 E203 Core and SoC - The Ultra-Low Power RISC-V Core
- CV32E40P - CV32E40P is an in-order 4-stage RISC-V RV32IMFCXpulp CPU based on RI5CY from PULP-Platform
- CVA6 - The CORE-V CVA6 is an Application class 6-stage RISC-V CPU capable of booting Linux
- Vortex GPGPU - Vortex is a full-stack open-source RISC-V GPGPU
- RISC-V Debug - RISC-V Debug Support for PULP RISC-V Cores
- biRISC-V - 32-bit Superscalar RISC-V CPU
- Rocket Chip Generator - The Rocket chip generator necessary to instantiate the RISC-V Rocket Core
- RISC-V Core - 32-bit RISC-V core written in Verilog and an instruction set simulator supporting RV32IM
- RV12 - Highly configurable single-issue, single-core RV32I, RV64I compliant RISC CPU intended for the embedded market.
- SV2V - Converts SystemVerilog (IEEE 1800-2017) to Verilog (IEEE 1364-2005), with an emphasis on supporting synthesizable language constructs
- hdlgadgets - A human-in-the-loop training tool for rtl-developers, microarchitects and verification engineers allowing experiments with flow control and verification techniques
- DESim - Application that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that represents some of the features of a DE1-SoC board
- openFPGALoader - Universal utility for programming FPGAs
- Digital - Easy-to-use digital logic designer and circuit simulator designed for educational purposes
- WaveDrom - Online digital timing diagram (waveform) rendering engine that uses javascript, HTML5 and SVG to convert a WaveJSON input text description into SVG vector graphics
- Yosys - Framework for RTL synthesis tools
- Verilator - SystemVerilog simulator and lint system
- Icarus Verilog - Intended to compile ALL of the Verilog HDL, as described in the IEEE-1364 standard
- GTKWave - Fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix and Win32 which reads FST, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files and allows their viewing
- HDLMake - Tool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects (clone of hdlmake from CERN)
- Cocotb - Coroutine based cosimulation library for writing VHDL and Verilog testbenches in Python
- PyUVM - UVM written in Python
- SVUnit - Framework for ASIC and FPGA developers writing Verilog/SystemVerilog code
- VUnit - Unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
- GHDL - VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator
- Verilog to Routing - Open Source CAD Flow for FPGA Research
- LiteX - Framework provides a convenient and efficient infrastructure to create FPGA Cores/SoCs, to explore various digital design architectures and create full FPGA based systems
- EDA Playground - The FREE IDE for SystemVerilog, Verilog, and VHDL
- MyHDL - Free open-source package for using Python as a hardware description and verification language
- Nextpnr - portable FPGA place and route tool.
- OpenLane - automated RTL to GDSII flow based on several components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization
- Caravel - Standard SoC harness with on chip resources to control and read/write operations from a user-dedicated space
- SiliconCompiler - modular hardware build system ("make for silicon")
- Verible - Suite of SystemVerilog developer tools, including a parser, style-linter, formatter and language server
- Svlint - SystemVerilog linter compliant with IEEE1800-2017
- SV-parser - SystemVerilog parser library fully compliant with IEEE 1800-2017
- SVls - SystemVerilog language server
- HDL support for VS Code - HDL support for VS Code with Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, Linting, Formatting
- TerosHDL - VSCode extension
- VSCode-SystemVerilog- SystemVerilog support in VS Code
- Artin Isagholian
- Alex Forencich
- Tomasz Hemperek
- Jeff Johnson
- Russell Merrick
- Dan Gisselquist
- Stacey(FPGAs for Beginners)
- Yuri Panchul
- Stanislav Zhelnio
- Sergey Chusov
- Alexander Romanov
- Viktor Prutyanov
- FPGA-Systems - FPGA-Systems repos
- Marsohod - Marsohod repos
- Chip Design School - Chip Design School repos
- Style Guides - lowRISC style guides
- Opencores Scraper - Few python scripts to clone all IP cores from opencores.org
- FreeCores - A home for open source hardware cores