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RL2.API is a modding API for Rogue Legacy 2. It requires RL2.ModLoader to function.


  1. Follow the installation guide for RL2.ModLoader
  2. Download the latest release of RL2.API
  3. Unpack the .zip into the GameInstallation\Rogue Legacy 2_Data\Mods directory
  4. Run the game once to let the mod loader recognise the mod

Build from source

  1. Run git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Go to RL2.ModLoader.DevSetup and run the provided .exe and choose your games installation directory
    • Alterantively, go to the GameInstallation\Rogue Legacy 2_Data\Managed dirtectory and copy all files into the repositories lib directory
  3. Open the solution and build it OR run dotnet build -c Release
  4. Go to the output directory and copy the RL2.API directory from there into GameInstallation\Rogue Legacy 2_Data\Mods
  5. Run the game once to let the mod loader recognise the mod

Using RL2.API as a dependency

  1. Obtain RL2.API.dll and RL2.API.xml by following either the "Installation" or "Build from source" section.
  2. Add it as a reference in your .csproj like this:
	<Reference Include="YourPath\To\RL2.API.dll" />