This public repository is read-only and no longer maintained. For the latest sample code repositories, visit the SAP Samples organization.
A collection of simple sample code containing examples that demonstrate simple API and integration workflows.
- Source is located here:
- These samples demonstrate how to use SAP Cloud Platform Web IDE with Jam Widgets (Feed, Forum and Group).
- This sample provides a Java client to illustrate authentication of the SAP Jam Collaboration API using an OAuth2 access token obtained from a SAML2 bearer assertion. The assertion is provided by SAP Cloud Platform or an external identity provider.
- Tutorial is located here:
- Source is located here:
- This sample provides a Java CLI client to illustrate authentication of the SAP Jam Collaboration API using an OAuth2 access token obtained from a SAML2 bearer assertion. The assertion is provided by SAP Cloud Platform or an external identity provider.
- Tutorial is located here:
- Source is located here:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the Open SAP Extending your SAP Cloud Platform with Jam Week, unit 3 demo.
- Requirements – an account on SAP Cloud Platform Trial Account with the SAP Jam Collaboration developer edition enabled.
- These Java server pages uses your SAP Cloud Platform and SAP Jam Collaboration instance via OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion to:
- Get general information from SAP Jam Collaboration about the currently logged-in user and the list of groups that user belongs to.
- Get group specific information from SAP Jam Collaboration
- Create a single-use token for SAP Jam Collaboration div-embedded widget authentication
- Create a group
- Create a group with a Primary External Object
- Provides authentication of the SAP Jam Collaboration API with OAuth1.0 and the HMAC-SHA1 signature type.
- This example assumes a Jam deployment with an OAuth client application configured for a company, and a user that can successfully log into the company via the Web UI to authorize the OAuth client to make API requests on behalf of the user.
- Consists of the following Eclipse Projects:
- jam_java_oauth1_client
- Client library that provides authentication of the SAP Jam Collaboration API with OAuth1.0 and the HMAC-SHA1 signature type.
- Dependencies:
- junit.jar -
- jam_java_oauth1_hmac_sha1_client_sample
- Sample client code that uses the jam_java_oauth1_client library to illustrate authentication of the SAP Jam Collaboration API with OAuth1.0 and the HMAC-SHA1 signature type.
- jam_java_oauth1_client
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "ODATA API Integration with Android" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Mobile Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "ODATA API Integration with iOS Swift 2.x" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Mobile Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the OpenSocial gadget in "Applying String Localization to OpenSocial Gadgets" in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the OpenSocial gadget in "Add Gadget Data to Jam Search" in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code required for completing the "SAP Jam Collaboration OpenSocial Tutorials" in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- The "SAP Jam Collaboration OpenSocial Tutorial" is a set of 7 lessons for developing a simple SAP Jam Collaboration OpenSocial gadget.
- This tutorial is located at:
- Source is located here:
- The servlet demonstrates how to download content from one instance of SAP Jam Collaboration and upload the content to another instance of SAP Jam Collaboration.
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "Integrations using SAP Jam Collaboration API for applications on SAP Cloud Platform" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- Requirements - An account on a SAP Jam Collaboration instance and an associated SAP Cloud Platform trial account.
- This Java servlet uses your SAP Cloud Platform and SAP Jam Collaboration instance via OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion to:
- Get general information from SAP Jam Collaboration about the currently logged-in user and the list of groups that user belongs to.
- Get group specific information from SAP Jam Collaboration.
- Create a single-use token for SAP Jam Collaboration div-embedded widget authentication.
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the SAP Jam Collaboration div-embedded feed widgets in "Integrate Embeddable Widgets into SAP Jam Collaboration" in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide". These feed widgets demonstrate the following authentication types:
- SuccessFactors IdentityProvider
- Single Use Token
- Pre-existing SAP Jam Collaboration session
- SAP Jam Collaboration session with #
- SAP Jam Collaboration session with # pop-up
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "Webhooks - Alias Users" and "Webhooks - Groups" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- Requirements - An account on a SAP Jam Collaboration instance and an associated SAP Cloud Platform trial account.
- This Java EE server implements a simple endpoint for SAP Jam Collaboration Push Notifications to use as a callback URL.
- The related documentation is located at:
- WAR file is located here:
- WAR file for the "Webhooks - Alias Users - WAR file" and "Webhooks - Groups - WAR file" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- Requirements - An account on a SAP Jam Collaboration instance and an associated SAP Cloud Platform trial account.
- This Java EE server implements a simple endpoint for SAP Jam Collaboration Push Notifications to use as a callback URL.
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "WebView HTML5 Client Integration with Android" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Mobile Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the "WebView HTML5 Client Integration with iOS Swift 2.x" tutorial in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Mobile Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
- Source is located here:
- Source code for the OpenSocial gadget in "Integrate OpenSocial Gadgets into SAP Jam Collaboration" in the "SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide".
- The related documentation is located at:
Copyright (c) 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.