NFC controlled access and inventory management Forked from Sensorica NFC Doorlock Firmware for Arduino Nano
The first prototype was built during the eco2fest
- Arduino Nano 328P
- 12VDC door striker Note: Must be "fail secure"
- MFRC-522 reader/writer
- 5V relay breakout board
- 8x8 LED matrix with I2C backpack
NFC | Arduino |
3.3v | 3.3v Pin |
SDA(SS) | Pin 10 Configurable |
SCK | Pin 13 |
MOSI | Pin 11 |
MISO | Pin 12 |
GND | GND Pin |
RST | Pin 9 Configurable |
Relay | Arduino |
5v | 5v Pin |
GND | GND Pin |
Signal | Pin 4 |
Matrix | Arduino |
5v | 5v Pin |
GND | GND Pin |
CLK | Pin A5 |
DAT | Pin A4 |