Hey folks! Utkarsh dropped support for this theme several years ago, but this is still by far my favorite theme for my blog. So I've taken to updating and revamping it. However, there's a lot to update and do to be able to get it back into the Hugo themes showcase, update all the decayed links, and to quit pointing to Utkarsh for support. It's still a work in progress, so please, pardon any inconsistencies or broken links, particularly in the documentation.
This theme is a revamped, upgraded, and modernized version of Utkarsh Verma's Dream Plus Theme, which was itself upgraded from the Dream Theme by Yue Yang (which Yue has since completely redone to the point that it's no longer recognizably what this one came from).
Features Utkarsh's Dream Plus included:
- "Cards" and "Posts" views for the home page
- twemoji rendering
- Table of contents for posts
- Hugo image processing for faster loading
- Random image background
- Multiple author support
- Disqus
- Sidebar
- Share card below posts
- Licenses for posts
- Device detection, that is whether the client device is a PC or phone
- About section can be written in MarkDown
- Custom 404 pages can be written in MarkDown
- Custom Favicon
- RSS Button
- Custom CSS and JS can be used without modifying the theme
- More social icons website script- a lot of other minor improvements
Added in Lucid Dream:
- Theme is now a Hugo/Go module
- Automatic light and dark mode
- A number of under-the-hood updates, including modernizing the CSS and updating JS
- Subtitle support, visible on both the cards and the post view
- Series support
- Add Gitlab and arbitrary file links
- Site search! 🥳
This theme can be used for two purposes:
- If you're making a site which links to other sites and your stuff all around the internet, then you can switch to "Cards view" for that.
- If you're simply making a blog or another website with a bunch of posts, then switch to the "Posts view" for that. I use this view for my blog.
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The theme can be added as a module by adding the following to the [module]
section of your hugo.toml file.
path = ""
The theme can be installed by running the following commands inside your Hugo website folder.
cd themes
git submodule add dream-plus
git submodule update --init --recursive
Once the theme has been successfully installed, you'll have to do a bit of tuning of the theme to meet your taste.
Within the exampleSite
folder, you'll find the config files, cards.toml
and posts.toml
which can be used to tweak the theme.
You must use these config files as a basis for your site, since they take care of the necessary variable declarations, which you may edit according to your needs.
Define yourself through the following config variables in params
under the author
table as shown:
author = "<name of the author>"
description = "Short description of the site"
motto = "author's motto or short description"
#Leaving the avatar variable unset displays svg avatars
avatar = "<absolute path to avatar>"
After that, fill up the social variables at the end of the config file. This theme suports the following social sites: (The examples are given)
Social Link | Variable | Example Initialization |
GitHub | github | github = "username" |
email = "" |
twitter = "username" |
facebook = "username" |
YouTube | youtube | youtube = "username" |
Medium | medium | medium = "username" |
linkedin = "username" |
StackOverflow | stackoverflow | stackoverflow = "number/username" |
CodePen | codepen | codepen = "username" |
reddit = "username" |
Resume | resume | resume = "//" |
Support My Work | supportmywork | supportmywork = "#support-me" |
Buy Me Coffee | buymecoffee | buymecoffee = "#coffee" |
These variables have to be in the [social]
table of config.toml
or its equivalent for YAML
github = "ShaunaGordon"
Once this is done, write up the "About Me" section of your website in Markdown as directed here: Error and About Pages.
As stated earlier, this theme has two views, Cards view and Posts view. The type of view rendering depends on the type of content you feed to Lucid Dream. Therefore:
- Having
folder in/content
folder activates Card view. - Having
folder in/content
folder activates Post view.
variable has now been deprecated.
One clear distinction between both the view is that Card view doesn't support posts, instead it redirects to the specified link, while Post view does. You may test them out yourselves by visiting my sites (stated above) which use them. Also, post/card creation is done differently for both the views. It is as follows:
hugo new cards/ #Card creation
hugo new posts/ #Post creation
After this, just open your Markdown card/post and provide the parameters for the card/post.
There are two different ways to configure the background of this theme. These settings are mutually exclusive to each other.
To set a specific background color, do it through the color
variable. If you want to set a random combination of colours as your background instead, just leave the color variable unset.
color = "#13547A" #Provide a color as hex or rgb equivalent
Specify the image which you want to set as the background through the images
array. If you prefer a single image background, then simply give a single value to the array. For example:
images = ["/images/bg1.jpeg"] #Single image as background
images = ["/images/bg1.jpeg", "<some other image>"] #Multiple images as background
Providing multiple images to the images
array enables the random image background feature of Lucid Dream, which cycles the background within the given array every time the site is reloaded.
You may also blur the background to a certain extent through the blur
All the background-configuring variables are to be placed inside the
table underparams
#Random backgrounds
images = ["/images/bg1.jpeg", "/images/bg2.jpeg", "/images/bg3.jpeg"]
#Blur the background
blur = "5px"
The covers for each post-card or card are processed by Lucid Dream using Hugo Image Processing for faster website loading times. The lookup paths for the cover file are as stated below:
- Cards: In the bundle. For example,
- Posts: In the images folder inside the bundle. For example,
Card covers can now be defined through the frontmatter through cover
key. However image processing won't be applicable on such covers. Also, frontmatter covers are prioritized over image resources, therefore, to make the image resource covers render, you'll have to remove the cover key from the frontmatter first.
You may also modify the image processing process through coverArgs
variable in [params.features]
. The arguments passed must be for the .Resize
function since that's what Lucid Dream utilizes. For example,
coverArgs = "400x300 q50" #Specify resolution and quality of output image
A collection of cover images can now be defined with a folder in the content
folder. Define the path with coverDir
coverDir = "/images/covers/"
You may configure your website based on the client device by using the isMobile
JS variable. It is true
when the client device is a mobile and vice versa.
This theme supports total customization of about and error pages. These pages may be customized through the
files. Lucid Dream reads the above stated files as plain Markdown text and then renders them. Once you've finished writing the files and modifying them according to your needs, paste them in the content
folder of your Hugo site.
If you don't want these pages to be built by Hugo and served with their own links such as <website>.<domain>/about
or <website>.<domain>/404
. Then you can tell Hugo to ignore these through ignoreFiles
variable in your config.toml
file as follows:
ignoreFiles = ["content/", "content/"]
You may also set a custom favicon for your website through the favicon
config variable under params
. For example,
favicon = "/images/defaultFav.ico"
If you'd like to control the amount of posts/cards a page has, then you may do so using the paginate
config variable.
paginate = 4 #Defaults to 10
Also, the tags, when enabled, won't all be displayed on the header and sidebar by default. Only the top 8 tags(article-count-wise) are displayed there to avoid congestion. However it can be overriden using tagLimit
variable of [params.tag]
enabled = true
tagLimit = 10 #Top 10 tags will be displayed
tagLimit = 0 #Display all tags
There are some other minor configurations as well. You may set them up by referring to the comments inside the config file.
After finishing the configurations, you're good to go. So, test your website using:
hugo server
Your site should now be locally available at http://localhost:1313 for testing purposes.
For testing the example site, you'll have to explicitly specify the config file to Hugo. This is done as follows:
#For posts view demo
hugo server --config posts.toml
#For cards view demo
hugo server --config cards.toml
Found something interesting to add to this theme or rather a 🪲bug? Let me know about it through the issue tracker. Pull requests are also welcome. For more detailed instructions on how to contribute, refer to
This theme is released under the MIT license.