An improved backport is now available as a set of
modifiers, in a single Backports library, with a LOT more additions. This should simply my efforts and allow me and others to contribute more backports in the near future. SwiftUI Backports
Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+
Provides a custom presentation modifier that provides more options including full screen presentations.
Presentation allows the configuration of the following properties:
- UIModalTransitionStyle
- UIModalPresentationStyle
- isModalInPresentation
- Easy API for presenting SwiftUI from UIKit
Sheet replacement in SwiftUI with a custom environment value:
struct Presenting: View {
@State private var presentSheet: Bool = false
@State private var presentFullscreen: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
Button {
presentSheet = true
} label: {
Text("Present Modal")
.present(isPresented: $present) { Presented() }
Button {
presentFullscreen = true
} label: {
Text("Present Fullscreen")
.present(isPresented: $present, style: .fullscreen) { Presented() }
struct Presented: View {
@Environment(\.presentation) private var presentation // note this is __not__ `presentationMode`
var body: some View {
Button {
presentation.wrappedValue.dismiss() // but it has an identical API
} label: {
Present from UIKit with a convenient and familiar API:
The code is packaged as a framework. You can install manually (by copying the files in the Sources
directory) or using Swift Package Manager (preferred)
To install using Swift Package Manager, add this to the dependencies
section of your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.0"))
Note: The package requires iOS v13+
If you want easy access to this and more packages, add the following collection to your Xcode 13+ configuration: