A Stacked column chart comprises columns stacked on top of one another, allowing a comparison of the total and the relative contribution of each sub-category. In this case, the columns represent the quarterly smartphone shipments for 2022, while the line chart illustrates the market share of smartphones in 2022.
Simultaneously, the Line Chart will provide a clear illustration of the market share of smartphones in 2022, offering a comprehensive view of the smartphone industry landscape throughout the year.
We’ll create a distinct y-axis for the line chart. This process begins with generating a y-axis and assigning a unique name. This name is subsequently bound to the line series, establishing a connection between them.
The versatility of the Cartesian Charts enables us to create multiple series, each having its own dedicated x- and y-axes. To improve the chart’s readability, modify the CrossesAt property, which will position the y-axis at the end of the chart (values are in percentages).
We can also customize the tooltip using a tooltip template. First, create a date template using the brand name and market share, and then bind this template to the tooltip using the TooltipTemplate
If you are facing path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to short and build the project.

For a step-by-step procedure, refer to the Visualize .NET MAUI Stacked Column Chart for global smart phone shipments.