Telemetree is a comprehensive free analytics tool designed specifically for Telegram Mini Apps. With our SDKs, developers, marketers, and product managers can easily track and optimize user engagement, making data-driven decisions to boost user acquisition and retention. Telemetree simplifies Analytics for Telegram Mini Apps by delivering insights into user behaviors, acquisition channels, and in-app interactions.
- Real-Time Analytics: Monitor user activity within your Telegram Mini App in real-time.
- User Retention Metrics: Track returning users and pinpoint which features encourage app retention.
- Web3 data: discover web3 metrics associated with your users.
- Seamless Integration: Our SDKs are lightweight and integrate easily with auto event mapping.
- Telegram-native: Telemetree is built natively for Telegram.
- User segmentation: API for personalized notifications based on cohorts, completed actions. web3 data and more.
- Free tier with wide limits.
Telemetree is uniquely focused on the needs of Telegram Mini App developers, providing tailored metrics and insights that help you grow and retain your user base efficiently. As the demand for Analytics for Telegram Mini Apps grows, Telemetree remains at the forefront, offering tools that cater specifically to the Telegram ecosystem.
Start capturing valuable insights with Telemetree and make data-driven decisions for your app's growth on Telegram.
Consider visiting our resources for more info about the state of the Telegram Mini Apps ecosystem and Telegram analytics.
Install it from NPM:
$ npm install @tonsolutions/telemetree-react
Call this script in <head>
<script src=""></script>
In your app:
import { TrackGroups, TwaAnalyticsProvider } from '@tonsolutions/telemetree-react';
import { useInitData, useLaunchParams } from "@telegram-apps/sdk-react"; // v 1.1.3
export function App() {
const initData = useInitData();
const launchParams = useLaunchParams();
const telegramWebAppData: TelegramWebAppData = {
query_id: initData?.queryId,
user: initData?.user,
chat_type: initData?.chatType,
chat_instance: initData?.chatInstance,
start_param: initData?.startParam,
auth_date: initData?.authDate,
hash: initData?.hash,
platform: launchParams?.platform,
return (
trackGroup={TrackGroups.HIGH} // default is TrackGroups.HIGH
telegramWebAppData={telegramWebAppData} // optional for alternative sdk, for example @telegram-apps/sdk-react
import { useTWAEvent } from '@tonsolutions/telemetree-react';
const builder = useTWAEvent();
builder.track('transfer', {
amount: 1000,
method: 'TON',
In order to track TON related operations, such as wallet connections, signed transactions etc, you should use @tonconnect/ui
or @tonconnect/ui-react
. When these libs are detected, Telemetree will automatically log on-chain events.
Telemetree SDKs are available for various frameworks and environments, making it easy to incorporate powerful analytics into any Telegram Mini App.
- React SDK:
- Node.js SDK:
- .NET SDK: (community-supported)
false - no tracking
- Pageview
- Session start
- Wallet (ton connect events)
- Invoice opened (webApp event)
- Invoice closed (webApp event)
- Transaction signed (ton connect events)
All in Low group
- Click
- openLink (webApp event)
- openTelegramLink (webApp event)
All in Medium group
Web app events:
- MainButtonPressed
- SettingsButtonPressed
- BackButtonPressed
- SecondaryButtonPressed
- PreparedMessageSent
- FullScreenChanged
- HomeScreenAdded
- HomeScreenChecked
- EmojiStatusSet
- LocationChecked
- LocationRequested
- AccelerometerStarted
- AccelerometerStopped
- AccelerometerChanged
- DeviceOrientationStarted
- DeviceOrientationStopped
- DeviceOrientationChanged
- DeviceOrientationFailed
- GyroscropeStarted
- GyroscropeStopped
- GyroscropeChanged
- GyroscropeFailed
- PopupClosed
- WriteAccessRequested
- QRTextReceived
- PhoneRequested
- WebAppExitFullscreen
- Session end (webApp.close)
- Inline query opened (webApp.switchInlineQuery)
- Fullscreen on
- Fullscreen off
- Story shared (webApp.shareStory)
TON connect events:
- Transaction sent for signature
- Transaction signing failed
- Wallet disconnected
- Wallet connection restore error
- Wallet connection restored
- Wallet connection restoring started
Start parameters by default are taken from the start parameters that Telegram transmits. Please read Telegram documentation to understand!
How do I make a short name?
- Create a bot in telegram via @BotFather
- Enter the command /newapp
For example:{{bot_handle}}/{{short_name}}?startapp=command
In this case, the start parameter will be command
If the start parameter is not passed when the application starts, it is taken from the application's url query parameter.