Welcome to the Face Detection Application! This application leverages OpenCV for real-time face, eye, smile, and object detection. It also includes advanced features such as voice commands, encryption, and decryption. Below, you'll find a detailed explanation of the functionalities and features implemented.
Real-Time Detection
- Detects faces, eyes, smiles, and objects using pre-trained Haar Cascades.
- Displays detection results on the video stream from the webcam.
- Calculates and displays the frames per second (FPS).
Snapshot Capture πΈ
- Take snapshots of the current video frame and save them as JPEG images.
Voice Commands π€
- Control the application using voice commands to start/stop detection, take snapshots, open settings, encrypt/decrypt data, and exit the application.
Encryption/Decryption π
- Encrypt and decrypt data using AES encryption with a generated key.
- Generate and verify HMAC for data integrity.
Settings Configuration βοΈ
- Configure Region of Interest (ROI) for detection via a settings window.
Log Viewing π
- View detection logs that record face detection events with timestamps and coordinates.
Detect from Photo and Video π·π₯
- Detect faces, eyes, smiles, and objects from static images and video files.
The purpose of this project is to develop a robust face detection application using OpenCV and Tkinter, integrated with advanced features such as voice command recognition, data encryption, and photo/video processing.
- Implement real-time face, eye, smile, and object detection using Haar cascades.
- Provide an intuitive user interface with Tkinter for easy interaction.
- Enable voice commands for starting/stopping detection, taking snapshots, and other actions.
- Implement AES encryption for secure data storage and transmission.
- Allow users to configure regions of interest (ROIs) for detection.
- Provide options to reduce the size of photos and videos to save storage space.
- Implement logging for tracking detection events.
- Python 3.x
- OpenCV
- Tkinter
- PIL (Pillow)
- SpeechRecognition
- Pyttsx3
- Cryptography
Install the required libraries using pip:
pip install opencv-python-headless tk pillow SpeechRecognition pyttsx3 cryptography
git clone https://github.com/your-repo/face-detection-app.git
cd face-detection-app
python face detection/app.py
Loaded using OpenCV to detect faces, eyes, smiles, and objects.
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('../Cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')
eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('../Cascades/haarcascade_eye.xml')
smile_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('../Cascades/haarcascade_smile.xml')
object_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('../Cascades/haarcascade_car.xml')
Initializes the webcam for real-time video capture.
kamera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
if not kamera.isOpened():
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Could not open camera.")
Continuously captures frames from the webcam, performs detection, and displays the results.
def detect_and_display():
while not stop_thread:
ret, frame = kamera.read()
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor=1.2, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(20, 30))
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2)
Uses the SpeechRecognition library to capture and interpret voice commands.
def detect_and_display():def voice_command_listener():
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
mic = sr.Microphone()
command = recognizer.recognize_google(audio).lower()
if "start detection" in command:
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Sorry, I did not understand the command.")
except sr.RequestError:
print("Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service")
Implements AES encryption and decryption using the Cryptography library.
class CustomEncryption:
def __init__(self, key=None):
if key:
self.key = key
self.key = self.generate_key()
def encrypt(self, data):
iv = os.urandom(16)
encryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(self.key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=default_backend()).encryptor()
cipher_text = encryptor.update(data) + encryptor.finalize()
return iv + cipher_text
def decrypt(self, encrypted_data):
iv = encrypted_data[:16]
decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(self.key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=default_backend()).decryptor()
decrypted_data = decryptor.update(encrypted_data[16:]) + decryptor.finalize()
return decrypted_data
The application interface is built using Tkinter, with buttons for different functionalities and a video display area.
root = Tk()
root.title("Face Detection with OpenCV and Tkinter")
lbl_video = Label(root, bg='black')
lbl_video.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES, padx=10, pady=10)
frame_controls = ttk.Frame(root)
btn_start = ttk.Button(frame_controls, text="Start Detection", command=start_detection)
btn_exit = ttk.Button(frame_controls, text="Exit", command=root.quit)
lbl_info = ttk.Label(root, text="Press 'ESC' to exit the video display.")
Allows the user to specify a region of interest for detection.
def open_settings():
lbl_scale_factor = Label(settings_window, text="ROI x1")
def save_settings():
global roi
x1 = int(scale_factor_entry.get())
y1 = int(min_neighbors_entry.get())
x2 = int(min_size_entry.get())
y2 = int(min_size_entry2.get())
roi = (x1, y1, x2, y2)
speak("Settings saved")
Saves the current video frame as a JPEG image.
def take_snapshot():
if not stop_thread:
ret, frame = kamera.read()
cv2.imwrite(filename, frame)
messagebox.showinfo("Snapshot", "Snapshot saved successfully!")
speak("Snapshot saved successfully")
Displays a log of detection events.
def view_log():
log_window = Toplevel(root)
log_window.title("Detection Log")
with open('detection_log.txt', 'r') as file:
log_content = file.read()
log_text = Text(log_window)
log_text.insert(1.0, log_content)
log_text.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)
- Data Encryption: Encrypt data using AES encryption with the Cryptography library and store encrypted data.
- HMAC Verification: Use HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) for data integrity verification.
- Photo Size Reduction: Option to reduce the size of captured photos.
- Video Size Reduction: Option to reduce the size of recorded videos.
- Logging: Write detection events to a log file.
- Voice Command Recognition: Use the SpeechRecognition library to detect and process voice commands.
Question: How can I start the application?
Answer: To start the application, run the command python app.py
in your terminal.
Question: How can I process photos and videos?
Answer: You can process photos and videos by selecting the Photo/Video option to detect them.
Question: How can I use voice commands in the application?
Answer: Use your microphone to detect and process commands. For example, start the detection by saying "Start Detection".
Question: How can I configure the region of interest (ROI) for detection?
Answer: Open the settings window and enter the desired coordinates for x1, y1, x2, and y2.
Question: Can I view the log of detection events?
Answer: Yes, you can view the log of detection events by selecting the View Log option in the menu.
Question: How does the application handle encryption and decryption?
Answer: The application uses AES encryption for secure data storage and transmission. You can encrypt and decrypt data using the Encrypt and Decrypt options.
Question: What languages does the application support for voice commands?
Answer: The application currently supports English for voice commands. Support for other languages may be added in future updates.
- Contributions: Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.
- Issues: Found a bug or have a feature request? Open an issue on GitHub.
- Email: You can reach us at piinartp@gmail.com for any inquiries.
- LinkedIn: Connect with us on LinkedIn for updates and discussions.
This Face Detection Application is a robust and feature-rich tool for real-time face and object detection, enhanced with voice command functionality and data encryption capabilities. Feel free to explore and modify the code to suit your needs. Enjoy using the application! π
For any issues or contributions, please open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.