This repository is the official implementation of DeepWDT (Deep Waggle Dance Translator), the most efficient and easy-to-use deep learning framework to detect and decode waggle dances.
- Add a clear protocol to shoot and use custom videos appropriately
- Add MLflow support to the training loop
- Add recognition and tracking evaluation directly to the training loop
- Include a simpler tracking algorithm to reduce the inference time
- Include a small recognition model to reduce the inference time
- Add an easier way to manually correct outputs from the inference
- Add the ONNX format support
- Make a notebook for easy inference from online
We recommend you to use Anaconda to create a conda environment:
conda create -n deepwdt python=3.9
Then, activate the environment:
conda activate deepwdt
Then install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To prepare our training set, copy the 'videos' folder and 'annotations.txt' into 'data/training_dataset' and launch the following command line:
python src/dataset/ -videos
The most recent weights are from training on a version of the dataset that was resized to half the original size (224x224 instead of 448x448 as mentioned in our paper).
The training dataset can be dowloaded at:
You can freely add your own annotated videos to the training dataset to enhance the generalizability of the model.
For the detection of the dancing individuals, we adapted the original YOWOv2 network that can be found here :
To retrain the network on the training dataset, you can use the following command line (example for K=8):
python -m --version yowo_v2_nano --max_epoch 20 --len_clip 8
Weights are saved in 'runs/training/weights'.
You can also train models in a batch with multiple K values at the same time using: ''.
To obtain the frame mAP from the validation set you can use the following command line (example for K=8 and epoch=20):
python -m src.evaluator.eval_recognition --version yowo_v2_nano --len_clip 8 --img_size 224 --cal_frame_mAP --eval_split val --epoch 20
To obtain the video mAP from the validation set you can use the following command line (example for K=8 and epoch=20):
python -m src.evaluator.eval_recognition --version yowo_v2_nano --len_clip 8 --img_size 224 --cal_frame_mAP --eval_split val --epoch 20
Results are saved in 'runs/evaluation/recognition'.
You can also run multiple combinations at the same time using: ''.
To obtain the metrics from the validation set you can use the following command line (example for K=8 and epoch=20):
python -m src.evaluator.eval_tracking --version yowo_v2_nano --len_clip 8 --eval_split val --epoch 20
You can also run multiple combinations at the same time with: ''.
To prepare a new datasets for inference, you have to use the following command line first:
python src/dataset/ --dataset name_of_the_new_dataset
and then copy your videos to 'dataset/name_of_the_new_dataset/videos'.
Then, to infer on this new dataset you can use the following command line (example):
python -m src.inference.infer --version yowo_v2_nano --dataset name_of_my_dataset --video_format mp4 --len_clip 8 --img_size 960,540 --min_duration 55 --ext_tool labelme --result_video
The weights will be sourced from 'runs/training/weights'. The --img_size parameter will automatically resize videos to the nearest multiple of 32. Our latest weights available were trained on 224x224 video frames instead of the 448x448 ones used in the paper (448x448 video frames clipped from 1920x1080 videos and downsampled to 224x224). If you're using videos of a similar resolution (1920x1080 with a similar zoom level), it's recommended to process them similarly and set --img_size to half the size of your video resolution when infering.
(!) This part is under development.
Outputs are automatically converted to the labelme format at 'runs/inference/name_of_my_dataset/labelme' if you use the parameter --labelme during inference. You can freely correct these annotations and incorporate them back to the training dataset.
Our software is released under the MIT license.
DeepWDT is developed and maintained by Sylvain Grison (