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Flutter project boilerplate that adheres to the principles of Clean Architecture.


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Flutter Bloc Clean Architecture Boilerplate

This is a Flutter project boilerplate that adheres to the principles of Clean Architecture. It is designed to help you jumpstart your Flutter projects by providing a structured and organized project setup. This boilerplate utilizes the BLoC state management pattern, GetIt for dependency injection, and Freezed for code generation.

Project Structure

The project follows a well-defined directory structure to keep your code organized and maintainable. Here's an overview of the key directories:

  • Src: The main source code directory.

    • Common: Contains common files such as API endpoints, constants, exceptions, colors, screen sizes, and enums.

    • Data: Responsible for data handling.

      • Datasource: Data sources, such as API clients or databases.

      • Model: Data models that represent your application's data.

      • Repository: Data repositories, which abstract the data source.

    • Domain: Contains the core business logic.

      • Entity: Business entities or domain models.

      • Repository: Interfaces that define how data is accessed in the domain layer.

      • Usecase: Use cases that represent the application's business operations.

    • Presentation: Handles the user interface and interaction.

      • Bloc: BLoC classes responsible for managing the state of your application.

      • Cubit: Cubit classes for more lightweight state management.

      • Page: Flutter pages/screens.

      • Widget: Reusable UI components.

    • Utilities: Helper classes and utilities for the application.

  • Injection.dart: Dependency injection setup using GetIt.

  • Main.dart: The entry point of the Flutter application.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd flutter-bloc-clean-architecture-boilerplate
  3. Install dependencies using Flutter's package manager:

     flutter pub get

You can now start building your application using this clean architecture boilerplate.


  • Structured and organized project setup.
  • Clean Architecture pattern.
  • BLoC state management.
  • GetIt for dependency injection.
  • Freezed for code generation.


Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests. If you have any suggestions or improvements, we welcome your contributions.

Happy coding! 🚀