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GitHub analysis 2020

Web Scraping


You can star repositories to keep track of projects you find interesting. I have Scraped top stared repositories from GitHub with different topics. I have used Python BeautifulSoup to scrape the data. The main motivation behind this data is to analyze top GitHub stared repositories.

I have selected some topics like Data-Science, Machine-Learning, Computer-Vision, etc. Then I have watched most stared 100 repository details including repository commits, issue, fork, etc.


There are more than 1500 repository nformation.

Data contains the main 19 columns:

  1. topic: A base word with the help of its fetched repository.
  2. name: repository name.
  3. user: repository user name.
  4. star: stars are given by users.
  5. fork: number of the fork that specific repository.
  6. watch: repository watch
  7. issue: number of issue in that repository.
  8. pull_requests: number of pull requests
  9. projects: a number of projects undergoing that topic_tag.
  10. topic_tag: tag added to the repository by the user.
  11. discription_text: short discription added by user.
  12. discription_url: additional url provide by repository.
  13. commits: number of commits to that repository.
  14. branches: a number of different branches of the repository.
  15. packages: number of packages.
  16. releases: releases of the repository.
  17. contributors: a number of users have contributed to the repository.
  18. License: name of License.
  19. url: URL of the repository.

current repository topics: Data-Science, Machine-Learning, Open-CV, Computer-Vision, GAN, variational-encoder, Android-studio, flutter, JAVA, awesome, javascript, c++

stay tuned for more topics.

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Exploratory data analysis

Repository tags used by users

  • we can see above machine-learning and deeplearning tags are used more then 200 times

Repository star distribution topic wise

  • we can see here javascript topic has most stared repository (total 4M+)
  • also we know that machie-learning is most usable tags rather then machine-learning repository are not stared as much as java-script
  • Android-studio, opencv, sensor,variational-encoder are thos topic which accumulated sum are very low
  • Data-science,computer-vision is most hot topic these days but data-science repositerys are not as much stared compared to oter topics

Repository Fork distribution

  • we can see here similarity between repository star and forks
  • java-script's repository are most stared and forked also


  • star and watch are more correlatd (0.9)
  • star and fork is less correlated compare to other two
  • (Star & watch) > (Fork & watch) > (star > fork)

Commit Distribution topic wise

  • Defenetly Raspberry-pi topic have less star and forks but it wins in commits

Contributers Distribution

  • Java-Script again win the game
  • Data-Science and c++ topics are came forward. they are not at 2nd and 3rd place in star and fork repository

For More Analysis go to my Kaggle Kernel


No releases published


No packages published