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WeihanLi.DataProtection WeihanLi.DataProtection

Intro core data protection extensions

Moved to, use WeihanLi.Web.Extensions instead


install the package WeihanLi.DataProtection


ParamsProtection is designed to protect the response specific param info for core web api projects, and it can be used for anti-network-spider.


Look at the sample for more details.

            .AddParamsProtection(options =>
                options.ProtectParams = new[]

run the sample, and access /api/values path, you will get something like this

    "id": "CfDJ8MvS3iyCJCJCrNda10tFrJu_HXavFbumMGxov9ly0XkFRG6O-HxgLwoqTnc4GQ27Zpby4kNOZBNlNK-1ctAWfuuBkkfoG96szEHXixZvUl6b2JlV1yt1MVUq5MHSOeYOGw",
    "val": "value1"
    "id": "CfDJ8MvS3iyCJCJCrNda10tFrJv9haZxFcv9bx2V3ZUKAMxGVD5aQzdzHfqB3XPfpZvQfzPHqxacA2i--hVnXAqzIBJ9ytQ72alekFFqzSFHjZwOTVwr4SMwOlfqm1zkMqFSUg",
    "val": "value2"

while in my code it returns

return Ok(new[] {
                id = 1,
                val = "value1"
                id =2,
                val ="value2"
            } });

because I've set the "id" param should be propected, and when you access the /api/values/{id} path use integer id directly you will get a 4xx (412 by default) response if AllowUnprotectedParams is false, while if you use the id returned from the result from api/values,it will return the result succssfully, and you can even set expiresIn when the protected value will be expired.

You can also use the protected values in your post or put request, if the protected values are expired, you will get a 4xx(412 by default) response.


There are some other options for you, look at the ParamsProtectionOptions file for details:

/// <summary>
/// ProtectorPurpose
/// </summary>
public string ProtectorPurpose { get; set; } = "ParamsProtection";

/// <summary>
/// ExpiresIn, minutes
/// </summary>
public int? ExpiresIn { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Enabled for paramsProtection
/// </summary>
public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;

/// <summary>
/// Allow unprotected params
/// </summary>
public bool AllowUnprotectedParams { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Invalid request response http status code
/// refer to
/// </summary>
public int InvalidRequestStatusCode { get; set; } = 412;

/// <summary>
/// the params to protect
/// </summary>
public string[] ProtectParams { get;set; }

you can do these things by change the option value:

  • disable param protection by setting the Enabled property value to false
  • change the protector purpose by change the ProtectorPurpose property value
  • allow the origin param by setting the AllowUnprotectedParams to true
  • change the status code when the params are not allowed to access
  • change the protected params expiry(in minutes) by setting the ExpiresIn property value
  • set the params to be protected by setting the ProtectParamsproperty value


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