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As Newton said : "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants". So if you consider my projects helpful, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants — in the open source community.
My software motto is "Simple by default, powerful when needed".
User experience of my software should be seamless, intuitive and fun.
For my developer experience, I tend to use fewer dependencies, I prefer locality of functionality more than clean code in too many files, I tend to create simpler UI for my sanity.
These are the software programs I am allowed to mention.
Kart Business is a virtual wallet of digital business cards. Its app is available on Google Play.
Kmt is a Hugo theme. It is named after the ancient name of Egypt (my home country). Kmt theme is open source and available on GitHub.
Loka Stores is an eCommerce website.
OCR Text Scanner a toolset to identify and extract text from images and PDF files efficiently with as high accuracy as we can get.
- toolset:
- IMG2TXT OCR is opensourced after 7+ years in production. IMG2TXT OCR English/Arabic is published on Google Play and on GitHub (releases). There is an old version release on Huawei's AppGallery
- IMG2TXT OCR Latin-based Languages is on Google Play
- Persian OCR is on Google Play
- Hindi OCR is on Google Play
Pope Books app is an Android app to read the books written by Pope Shenouda III. The old app in available on Google Play, and the new app is on Google play too. is my bilingual tech blog in English & Egyptian Arabic. I post about Go language, Flutter framework, Laravel framework, .. and many others things. I am creating and publishing tools right now, stay tuned.
Agpeya is the book of prayers for Coptic Orthodox Church. Right now, the app have prayers in Arabic only. The project is open source and available on GitHub. Agpeya app is on Google Play.
gobrew is a CLI app written in Go to show count of all programs written in X language or Y build system in Homebrew Core formulae. It is open source and available on GitHub.
- OS : Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows 10/11
- Web browser : Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari
- to create a custom website/web app : Laravel + PostgreSQL db + Tailwind CSS
- to create large-scale web app : Go + HTMX + Tailwind CSS +
Go Templ+ PostgreSQL db - to create backend API : Go std, or Laravel
- to create an Android app :
Kotlin + Jetpack ComposeFlutter + SQLite db (as it is local) - to create a blog : Hugo, or WordPress, or my new thing (work-in-progress alternative)
- source code editors & IDEs :
- Android Studio
- vim: .vimrc : my simple config
- neovim (a.k.a nvim): init.lua : my simple config
- visual studio code (a.k.a vscode)
- developed Hugo theme
- [history] created Android apps in Java. for example, Agpeya Android app.
- [history] created a web app in native PHP (Plain PHP + HTML + CSS + JS)
- [history] developed a WordPress Theme