A set of apps that test or demo swagger-spring mvc https://github.com/martypitt/swagger-springmvc/
./gradlew build
- If using intellij ues file >> open and point to the build.gradle file
- As of May 4 2014 there is a bug with intellij and gradle 1.12 - the intellij EAP has a fix so use the EAP version
Some basic spring controllers and models shared with the other sub projects
Sample spring-web-mvc 3+ project with spring JavaConfig
- uses @EnableSwagger for out of the box swagger-springmvc support
- imports the swagger-ui static content using a webjar
- uses the controllers and models from 'shared-api'
- uses spring ResourceHandlers and a ViewResolver to serve the swagger-ui content form a webjar
- spring-web-mvc 3+ project using spring xml configuration (mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml)
- uses @EnableSwagger with SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin for a more customized swagger-springmvc configuration.
- demonstrates oauth2 configuration
- automated browser based tests in 'src/acceptanceTest'
- functional api level tests in 'src/functionalTest'
- A spring boot (spring 4.x ) application
- Three annotations and a single line of executable code for a fully running web app with swagger enabled.
- Spring boot app which serves static json files to swagger-ui
- Primarily a manual testing tool to verify how swagger-ui behaves with different json variants.
- builds a webjar from swagger-ui's static content
- sdoc.jsp is the packaged into the jar, when rendered the swagger explore field should be pre-populated with "/api-docs"
- sample spring boot application using multiple SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin's aka 'swagger groups'.