Current Features:
Storing books, users and the # and sign out of the books
User and book search
Due dates, and extensions
Adding books to database, with ISBN autofill
What is planned soon/TODO:
Cleaning up code(OOP, and cleaning up my messy quick code)
Dues and an email system
A settings panel
Managment of multiple libraries
CSV columns for each file, the following format will stay:
books.csv - Col 1 ID(From 0 to whatever), Col 2 Title, Col 3 Author, Col 4 ISBN, Col 5 Location
users.csv - Col 1 ID(From 0 to whatever), Col 2 name, Col 3 username, Col 4 email, Col 5 Dues
Small Video Showcase:
- Note: This is as of March 30,2020, this may not be full up to date.
How to Use:
- Have the following CSVs from what is listed above, after the 5th columns, you can put whatever data you want the program wont touch it
- Have the following CSVs in the folder of the folder.
- Simply run with python3 as follows --> python3
-, is a simple test file to show real world use, but this is the non-GUI implementation
-, ok I agree an ugly name, but this is the feel in which all the functions are stored for now
-, pretty clear, where the classes for the parser, books and users is stored, I don't see this file changing drastically for now. Maybe some small additions or changes
-, this file is just to setup all the classes and functions for the gui, it will most likely expand
gui folder, includes everything gui