The tool is a simple demonstration for the AIMS AI Toolbox. The tool itself executes a simple Canny edge detection on a provided image.
The tool can be used as a conventional AI tool (see the AI Toolbox). You can experiment with the query.ipynb
to check the tool capabilities. Also, you can deploy the tool as a REST service. Suppose, the tool is checked out into ~/aitools/demo
, then you can deploy it into /tmp/demo_deploy
python3 -m aitoolbox deploy ~/aitools/demo -o /tmp/demo_deploy
After that, go to the deploy directory and build the image:
cd /tmp/demo_deploy
docker compose build
docker compose up
Running the service, you can test it with the provided test/example.http
file and the Visual Code REST client extension, or using
cd ~/aitools
curl --data-binary @demo/assets/aitoolbox-impl.png -H "Mime-Type: image/png" -H "Content-Type: image/png" http://localhost:12345 > response.png