Akhil Sundaram | Anurag Choudhary |
(Created a new repo with the correct group name and slug link)
A simple parser for querying log files Distributed over a set of machines in a network. Written in Golang.
Project Structure
Parser : This contains the log parser that greps across multiple machines.
Listener : This container socket listener code that will be running on all machines part of the log system.
LogGen : This contains code to generate logs for unit tests.
Code Instructions
- Start the listeners: In every machine to be queried, start the listener.
>$ cd Listener/
>$ nohup go run . &
Update machine list: Once we have the listeners running in every machine to be grepped. Update the list of active machines in
. -
Check log file path: Make sure your log files within the machines are in the correct path and name. The Distributed parser expects the logs to be in
where i is the machine number ranging from 01-10.
-Run the parser - grep: Run the grep command through the Parser package.
>$ cd Parser
>$ go run . -cmd "grep" -o "" -s "pattern"
cmd is the command input, "grep" is the only valid input.
o is the options you can pass to grep.
s is the expected pattern/regex.
Created a group membership system which detects failures and maintains a real-time updated membership list at every node using the SWIMs algorithm. This implementation closely follows the same, with a few differences and modifications.
Project Structure
Buffer : This contains the buffer logic that will be piggybacked on every ping and pin-ack message.
Introducer : This contains the code for the "introducer" node, and this can be any VM (as long as the configuration inside introducer.go is set accordingly).
Membership : This contains code to maintain , update and modify the membership list at every node. It also contains the suspicion logic for enabling PingAck-Sus mechanism.
Ping : This contains code to ping all the nodes in the system in a randomized manner from every other node. Integrates all the other mechanisms we have specified.
Utility : This contains some utility methods that are used across all files.
Code Instructions
- Start the Introducer: Whichever machine is chosen to be the introducer, perform following on that node (by default, VM Node 1)
>$ cd MP2/
>$ go run .
Start the other Nodes to join the system: Run the same command on other nodes, and use the cli prompts to see the membership list at any node, at any time !
>$ cd MP2/
>$ go run .
Enabling PingAck-Sus: To enable the PingAck-Sus mechanism, we make use of MP1 code to distribute and signal all the machines to set Suspicion to True.
>$ cd MP1/
>$ cd Parser
>$ go run . -cmd "sus" -o "" -s "test"
PS : This will toggle the suspicion flag, running this again will disable the Suspicion mechanism.
PS : Before running this, ensure that Listeners are up in all the machines !
Code Instructions
- Start the Introducer: Whichever machine is chosen to be the introducer, perform following on that node (by default, VM Node 1)
>$ cd MP3/
>$ go run .
Start the other Nodes to join the system: Run the same command on other nodes, and use the cli prompts to see the membership list at any node, at any time !
>$ cd MP3/
>$ go run .
** Follow the prompts when entering each command in the CLI (create, get, append, merge, ls, store) and input the values in the format that it expects. **
Project Structure
File Transfer Package : This contains the file transfer logic between nodes in the distributed file system.
Ring Package : This contains the code for the Chord ring structure, and replication of data upon node rejoin / leave.
Cache Package : This contains code for the caching mechanism for the files which have been previously fetched to the local file system of the node.
Code Instructions
- Start the Scheduler/Leader node: On VM Node 1, (machine that is chosen to be the Scheduler), perform following commands on that :
>$ cd MP4/
>$ go run main.go
There are 2 applicable commands for MP4, the rest of the commands are from the previous MP. Firstly, upload the input file for which we shall perform stream processing to the HYDFS :
$ Enter command : create
$ Enter local filename to upload to HyDFS file.
$ Usage - localfilename HyDFSfilename : /home/hydfs/Traffic_Signs_1000.csv test_data
Once this is done, trigger the rainstorm command and follow the prompts. Enter the input in the same format as it is expected :
$ Enter command: rainstorm
$ RainStorm Stream Processing. Usage: <op1_exe>,<op2_exe>,<hydfs_src_file>,<hydfs_dest_filename>,<num_tasks>,<filter1_optional>,<filter2_optional>
$ Enter command: filterapp2,count,test_data,output,3,Streetlight
--> for complex scenario
$ Enter command: filterapp1,transformapp1,test_data,output,3,Warning
--> for simple scenario
While the stream processing framework is running, use the following command to get information on which node is running which task :
$ Enter command: cluster_availibility
Project Structure
Scheduler Package : This contains the all code related to scheduler logic, for VM 1.
StormWorker Package : This contains the code for the worker logic, to perform streaming tasks.
Stormgrpc : This contains the grpc, proto and corresponding generated protobuf wrappers for bringing up grpcs in golang. This is used for communication between services of the scheduler and the workers on different nodes.