Command line tool to export documents from Elasticsearch using sliced scroll.
esexport will use one goroutine per slice to retrieve documents concurrently.
Here's an example of how the usage of slices can improve search/scrolling from ES:
$ time esexport -host $es_host -query '{"_source":false,"size":5000}' -output ids
Progress: [76148/76148] 100%
real 0m11.505s
user 0m0.367s
sys 0m0.084s
$ time esexport -sliceSize 3 -host $es_host -query '{"_source":false,"size":5000}' -output ids
Progress: [76148/76148] 100%
real 0m5.505s
user 0m0.397s
sys 0m0.067s
Results will vary depending on your cluster, shards configuration and whatnot.
This tool is also useful to test the speed of scrolling using different combinations of params:
- number of slices
- different slice fields
- query (size and source)
See Debugging Cursors.
Find the latest binary from the releases page.
You can also use go get -u
. Make sure you have go 1.9 or newer installed.
TODO: Publish to homebrew
Usage: esexport [global flags]
global flags:
-host string
ES Host (default "http://localhost:9200")
-index string
Index to search (will be appended on the search url)
-output string
Output file
-query string
Query to slice (default "{}")
-routing string
Routing passed to the query
-searchContextTTL string
Search context TTL used to search and scroll (default "1m")
-sliceField string
The field used to slice the query
-sliceSize int
Number of slices (default 1)
-type string
Document type (will be appended on the search url)
esexport -sliceSize 2 -query '{"source":["false"], "size": 1000, "query":{"bool":{"filter":{"term":{"field":"value"}}}}}'
There are no options to control:
- the number of documents returned per query
- the fields exported/retrieved
Add _source
and size
directly in your query body to control such things.
Sliced scrolls where introduced on Elasticsearch 5.
If you point to any cluster still running ES prior to 5 and try to use -sliceSize > 1 the program will fail.
Exporting documents from installations prior to 5 works just fine without the use of -sliceSize.
to display debug information about the execution.
ESEXPORTDEBUG=1 esexport -query '{"_source":[false],"size": 1000}' -sliceSize 2 -output docs.out
Slice 1 query: {"_source":[false],"size":1000,"slice":{"id":1,"max":2}}
Slice 0 query: {"_source":[false],"size":1000,"slice":{"id":0,"max":2}}
Slice 1 total: 93113
Slice 0 total: 185582
Progress: [184000/278695] 66%
Cursor 1 took 7.699094263s
Progress: [276113/278695] 99%
Cursor 0 took 13.217493396s
Progress: [278695/278695] 100%
esexport took 13.560569369s
To control the fields returned just change your query "_source".