Navigation in ROS2 with Nav2 introduced a lot of new features and possibilities. The goal of this assignment is to explore and test the new feature of navigating in a known environment while avoiding user-defined keep out areas.
This package requires the following dependencies:
sudo apt install ros-<ros2-distro>-slam-toolbox
sudo apt install ros-<distro>-navigation2 ros-<distro>-nav2-bringup '~ros-<distro>-turtlebot3-.*'
Once all the dependencies are met, the packge could be cloned and compiled as it is represented:
mkdir -p colcon_ws/src
cd colcon_ws/src
git clone
cd colcon_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
Webots2023a is a simulation software, in which this project was done. It is compliant with ROS2, and provides the TIAGo robot urdf model, which is chosen to be used in this project.
The following figure, provides an overview from the simulation environment of this project:
The first step of this experiment, consists of creating a map of the indoor environemnt. slam_toolbox provides an online synchronous mapping ROS node, using the following command:
ros2 launch slam_toolbox
which was used in this project along with Nav2 applications. The following command would bringup navigation:
ros2 launch nav2_bringup
This would help us to define goal points during slam. In order to launch these two nodes along with the simulation environment, the
is provided in this package, which takes an world
file as an argument:
ros2 launch sofar_assignment world:=default.wbt
Here is an overview of the mapping process:
The UML component diagram of this part is shown in following figure:
Once the map is built, the keepout areas could be drwan on the map.pgm
file and saved as the mask filter. The corresponding mask yaml file mode has to be chosen as scale,
so that the occupancy grids of each area, would be defined with a certain level of occupancy.
The follwoing figures show a sample of keepout filter mask along with the original map file:
In the last step of this project, the navigation and path planning part is done, considering the keepout zones. The provided
in this package
would bring the simulation environment along with navigation2 applications such as map_server
, costmap_filter_info_server
and life_cycle_manager
. The following
command represents the arguments that this launch file requires:
ros2 launch sofar_assignment world:=default.wbt map:=src/nav2-keepout-zone/resource/map.yaml params_file:=src/nav2-keepout-zone/resource/nav2_params.yaml keepout_params_file:=src/nav2-keepout-zone/resource/keepout_params.yaml mask:=src/nav2-keepout-zone/resource/keepout_mask.yaml
The UML component diagram of this part is shown in following figure:
- Ali Yousefi
- email: