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ALUMET helm-charts

description summary

HELM charts for deploying ALUMET on K8S clusters. Refer to the github page for more details on ALUMET.

This helm chart contains the following subcharts:

  • influxdb: one pod and a service are deployed
  • ALUMET relay client: a pod is deployed on each cluster's node
  • ALUMET relay server: one pod and a LoadBalancer service's type are deployed

All alumet docker images must be located on the same docker registry. A global variable (global.image.registry) is defined to set the URL path; the default value is:

A kubernetes secret must de defined to be able to connect to the docker registry for downloading the images. The secret's name is defined by the global variable global.secret, the default value is: registry-secret

ALUMET relay server

It receives the metrics by all ALUMET relay client and writes the metrics in a CSV file or in an influxdb. You can activate or deactivate a plugin using a helm variable:

  • alumet-relay-server.plugins.csv.enable="false"
  • alumet-relay-server.plugins.influxdb.enable="true"

relay server configuration file is created as a config map named: <release name>-alumet-relay-server-config

influxdb setting

The influxdb parameters listed below can be overwritten, the default configuration is:

  • enable: true
  • organization: "influxdata"
  • bucket: "default"
  • attribute_as: "tag"
  • existingSecret: ""

The token variable is automatically set using the influxdb secret. You have 2 choices for creating the influxdb secret:

  • let helm creating the secret: in this case it is created by influxdb chart and its name is: <release name>-influxdb2-auth
  • use an existing secret: in this case, 2 variables must be set with the same secret name:
    • influxdb2.adminUser.existingSecret
    • alumet-relay-server.plugins.influxdb.existingSecret

When creating the secret the 2 keys (admin-token and admin-password) must be added, below an example of creating the secret:

kubectl create secret generic influxdb2-auth --from-literal=token=influxToken --from-literal=password=influxPasswd

deployment nodeSelector

By default the deployment of the alumet-relay-server is done on any available node. But you can specify a target node by setting the variables:

  • alumet-relay-server.nodeSelector.nodeLabelName
  • alumet-relay-server.nodeSelector.nodeLabelValue

For example if you want to specify a node using its role name and deploy on master node, you need to apply the following configuration:

  • alumet-relay-server.nodeSelector.nodeLabelName: ""
  • alumet-relay-server.nodeSelector.nodeLabelValue: "master"

You can also specify a label instead of a role, then you have to set the appropriate key in nodeLabelName and label's value in nodeLabelValue variable.

ALUMET relay client

It collects the metrics of the kubernetes nodes where it is running and sends them to ALUMET relay server. The default configuration is correctly set-up to allow communication between ALUMET client and ALUMET server. You can activate or deactivate a plugin using a helm variables, the default configuration is:

  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.K8s.enable="true"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.rapl.enable="false"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.EnergyEstimationTdpPlugin.enable="true"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.energyAttribution.enable="false"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.perf.enable="true"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.procfs.enable="true"
  • alumet-relay-client.plugins.perf.enable="true"

relay client configuration file is created as a config map named: <release name>-alumet-relay-client-config


All metrics are written in influxdb if the plugins Influxdb is enabled (alumet-relay-server.plugins.influxdb.enable="true").

The credentials to logon to the web page of influxdb are defined by a secret. The secret name is defined by the variable:

  • influxdb2.adminUser.existingSecret

The user login is: admin

The password is get by decoding the admin-password key from the secret using the following command:

kubectl  get secret \<secret name> -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d

If the secret does not exist, the secret is automatically created and credentials generated randomly.

By default the http service is not actived, if needed, the variable influxdb2.service.type must be set with LoadBalancer value. Refer to for more details about influxdb configuration.

Deployment example

Below an exemple of ALUMET deployment on k8s cluster with 4 nodes. In our example, the influxdb persistence is not activated, if you want persistence , you need to set the variable influxdb2.persistence.enabled to true and you need to create the persistence volume before deployment.

Before executing the helm install command you need to add the helm repositories:

helm repo add influxdata
helm repo add alumet

And the command to create the secret to get access to the github registry if the docker images are privates:

kubectl  -n <namesapce> create  secret docker-registry gh-registry-secret --docker-username=<user> --docker-password=<github token>
helm test-alumet alumet --namespace test --set influxdb2.persistence.enabled=false --set global.secret=gh-registry-secret
NAME: test-alumet
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jan 22 09:35:29 2025
STATUS: deployed
Installing alumet
Your installed version  0.1.0
Your instance name is:  test-alumet

    influxdb plugin is enabled, a secret to get access to influxdb database must be defined

            A secret test-alumet-influxdb2-auth was created
            To get influxdb admin user password, decode the admin-password key from your secret:
            kubectl  -n test get secret test-alumet-influxdb2-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 -d
            To get influxdb token, decode the admin-token key from your secret:
            kubectl  -n test get secret test-alumet-influxdb2-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-token}" | base64 -d

List of pods and services running:

local@master:$ kubectl -n test get pod
NAME                                               READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
mongodb-6d6fc5d86f-pttb5                           1/1     Running                 0          19d
test-alumet-alumet-relay-client-6ssmd              1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-alumet-relay-client-h4ntl              1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-alumet-relay-client-hsgdl              1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-alumet-relay-client-ms2hd              1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-alumet-relay-client-zvvbg              1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-alumet-relay-server-54d548d487-9v62r   1/1     Running                 0          56s
test-alumet-influxdb2-0                            1/1     Running                 0          56s

local@master:$ kubectl -n test get svc
NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
test-alumet-alumet-relay-server   ClusterIP   <none>         50051/TCP      63s
test-alumet-influxdb2             LoadBalancer   80:30421/TCP   63s


HELM charts for deploying Alumet on K8S clusters






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