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A library with a command interpreter (over UART/USB) and handlers for OSP telegrams.


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OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd

Library "OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd", usually abbreviated to "aocmd", is one of the aolibs; short for Arduino OSP libraries from ams-OSRAM. This suite implements support for chips that use the Open System Protocol, like the AS1163 ("SAID") or the OSIRE E3731i ("RGBi"). The landing page for the aolibs is on GitHub.


Library aocmd contains a command interpreter and several commands. The interesting command is "osp"; it allows sending and receiving OSP telegrams.

aocmd in context

The command interpreter can be extended with application specific commands. Furthermore, a command file (boot.cmd)can be stored persistently on the ESP32, and executed at startup.

System setup

The diagram below shows the system architecture from a command interpreter point of view.

Sytem architecture

On the right hand side, we see the OSP32 board with some SAIDs. They are controlled by the firmware in the ESP, more specifically, by the OSP library (aoosp) which builds on top of the SPI library (aospi).

On the left hand side, we see a PC. It runs an application known as terminal. A famous one is putty, but the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE is also fine. Terminals allow a user to enter commands (characters) and send them over a serial link to a "remote" (in our case OSP32). When the remote responds (with characters), data is sent back over the serial line and displayed by the terminal.

Since PC's no longer have serial ports, a serial-to-USB chip is used. The ESP32S3 DevKit board employs an "CP210x USB to UART Bridge" and the PC needs to have a driver for such a virtual COM port. Typically, the Arduino IDE installs those drivers. If not, download and install the driver.

Commands that the PC sends, arrive at the command interpreter, a part of the ESP firmware. Commands like "echo", "help", "file", "osp" are received and dispatched to command handlers. Those parse and then execute them, for example by calling the aoosp library.

There is one more feature: the ESP has a persistent memory (EEPROM). The command interpreter has a command to show, enter an execute one command file (known as boot.cmd). This command file is automatically executed on power-on-reset. The maximum size of boot.cmd is 2k byte.

Example commands

This section gives a flavor of the stock commands. It is possible to add your own, and for example the aomw and aoapps libraries add (more high-level) commands. This does mean that it depends on the firmware flashed to the ESP32 which commands are available. To follow the below command fragments it is suggested to use the firmware osplink. Others, like saidbasic also include all commands (and some more), but the included apps need to be stopped first otherwise their control of the OSP chain might interfere with the entered commands.

General commands

Once a terminal is connected and the OSP32 board is (re)booted, we are greeted with a banner.

  ____   _____ _____    _ _       _
 / __ \ / ____|  __ \  | (_)     | |
| |  | | (___ | |__) | | |_ _ __ | | __
| |  | |\___ \|  ___/  | | | '_ \| |/ /
| |__| |____) | |      | | | | | |   <
 \____/|_____/|_|      |_|_|_| |_|_|\_\
OSPlink - version 1.7

spi: init
osp: init
cmd: init
mw: init
ui32: init

No 'boot.cmd' file available to execute
Type 'help' for help

A prompt >> is printed. This means that commands can be entered. The easiest commands are version and echo (shown below with an extra CR in between):

>> version
app     : OSPlink 1.7
runtime : Arduino ESP32 3_0_3
compiler: 12.2.0
arduino : 10607 (likely IDE2.x)
compiled: Sep  3 2024, 09:41:17
aolibs  : result 0.4.0 spi 0.5.0 osp 0.4.0 cmd 0.5.1
>> echo Hello, world!
Hello, world!

A better place to start however, is the help command.

>> help
Available commands
board - board info and commands
echo - echo a message (or en/disables echoing)
file - manages the file 'boot.cmd' with commands run at startup
help - gives help (try 'help help')
osp - sends and receives OSP telegrams
said - sends and receives SAID specific telegrams
topo - build, query and use topology
version - version of this application, its libraries and tools to build it

As we see, the help command in isolation lists all commands. It can also give help on a specific command; just append the command name. Help on version is nicely short:

>> help version
SYNTAX: version
- lists version of this application, its libraries and tools to build it
- supports @-prefix to suppress output

The help for the echo command is longer; but the help command allows selecting one "topic". Below the wait sub command of echo is explained.

>> help echo wait
SYNTAX: echo wait <time>
- waits <time> ms (might be useful in scripts)

The command interpreter allows commands to be shortened (even to one character). So version, ver and v all give the same result. Shortening is also supported for sub commands, so help version, help ver and help v all give the same result. The two flavors of shortening can be combined:

>> h v
SYNTAX: version
- lists version of this application, its libraries and tools to build it
- supports @-prefix to suppress output

Some commands support a @ as prefix; it suppresses output of that command. For example, setting the direction mux, gives feedback on the final state. This can be suppressed by prepending the @. The fragment below illustrates that, and it also shows that comments start with //.

>> // comment without command
>> osp dirmux loop // shows new status
dirmux: loop
>> @osp dirmux loop // with @ no feedback on new status

In the above command the @ suppresses all output, in other commands the @ only reduces the output. For example, help on a command reduces to only the section headers.

>> @help echo
SYNTAX: echo [line] <word>...
SYNTAX: echo faults [step]
SYNTAX: echo [ enabled | disabled ]
SYNTAX: echo wait <time>


The command interpreter has a small local file system that can store a single file boot.cmd. To create boot.cmd use the file record command, and enter line after line, terminating with an empty line.

>> file record
001>> echo Hello, world!
002>> @version // short version
file: 28 bytes written

Note that while the boot.cmd file is recorded, the prompt shows line numbers (eg 001>>).

The file boot.cmd can be inspected,

>> file show
file: 'boot.cmd' content:
echo Hello, world!

and executed.

>> file exec
>> echo Hello, world!
Hello, world!
>> @version
SAIDbasic 2.4

As the name suggests the file boot.cmd will be executed when the ESP32 (cold) boots (officially known as POR - power-on-reset). When we press the reset (RST) button on OSP32, we see the script in action.

  ____   _____ _____    _ _       _
 / __ \ / ____|  __ \  | (_)     | |
| |  | | (___ | |__) | | |_ _ __ | | __
| |  | |\___ \|  ___/  | | | '_ \| |/ /
| |__| |____) | |      | | | | | |   <
 \____/|_____/|_|      |_|_|_| |_|_|\_\
OSPlink - version 1.7

spi: init
osp: init
cmd: init
mw: init
ui32: init

Running 'boot.cmd'
>> echo Hello, world!
Hello, world!
>> @version
OSPlink 1.7

Type 'help' for help

In practice, boot.cmd is used to configure a demo. For example saidbasic could have the following lines in boot.cmd to configure the overall brightness and to define the available flags. Note the @ symbols; they suppress output, which makes sense in a command file.

@topo dim 50
@apps conf swflag set  europe dutch italy mali

To erase the boot.cmd, give the file record command and immediately terminate recording by entering an empty line (pressing CR).

>> file record
file: 0 bytes written
>> file show
file: 'boot.cmd' empty

The board command gives information on the ESP hardware.

>> board
chip : model ESP32-S3 (2 cores) rev 0
clk  : 240 MHz (xtal 40 MHz)
ftrs : 2.4GHz-WiFi Bluetooth-LE
flash: 4194304 byte external flash
app  : 378544 byte
reset: power-on

An interesting sub command, especially during development, is board reboot; it resets the ESP. This is a software reset, not a power-on-reset, it does not execute boot.cmd. In other words reboot invokes a clean restart of the ESP. Note however, that the OSP nodes and the OLED remain powered, so they keep their state, unless the ESP firmware resets them.

If boot.cmd is needed after board reboot, give command file exec.

OSP generic commands

The commands presented until now (echo, help, version, board, file) are managerial. The commands osp and said allow manipulating and inspecting OSP nodes.

The below fragments assume that a SAIDbasic board is connected to the OSP32 board in loop mode (cable from OSP32 OUT to SAIDbasic IN and a cable from SAIDbasic OUT to OSP32 IN).

The fragments also assume that no firmware is running that sends telegrams. The easiest way is to use a firmware that is "command interpreter only" like osplink. If you use a firmware that has apps like saidbasic the apps continuously send telegrams and that has to be stopped first. This can be done by activating the do-nothing app via the command apps switch voidapp.

Some fragments assume reset and init telegrams (after setting the dirmux) have been sent (the osp restinit does all three).

The osp command is able to enumerate which nodes are in the OSP chain (and with that estimate the maximum power usage).

>> osp enum
 mcu N001 00000040/SAID T0 T1 I0 lvds
lvds N002 00000040/SAID T2 T3 T4 lvds
lvds N003 00000040/SAID T5 T6 T7 lvds
lvds N004 00000000/RGBI T8 lvds
lvds N005 00000040/SAID T9 T10 I1 lvds
lvds N006 00000000/RGBI T11 lvds
lvds N007 00000000/RGBI T12 lvds
lvds N008 00000000/RGBI T13 lvds
lvds N009 00000040/SAID T14 T15 T16 eol
nodes(N) 1..9, triplets(T) 0..16, i2cbridges(I) 0..1, dir loop
count rgbi 4 said 5
maxpower 12x50mA + 15x48mA + 15x24mA + 9x24mA = 1.896A (9.480W)

This shows there are 9 nodes, the first (mcu) and last (eol) both connected to the ESP (dir loop). Nodes 001, 002, 003, 005 and 009 are SAIDs, the other 4 RGBIs. Two SAIDs (001 and 005) have an I2C bridge enabled (I0 and I1). In total there are 17 RGB triplets (4 RGBIs, 3 SAIDs with 3, 2 SAIDs with 2).

The osp command has information on all (currently known) telegrams ("user manual"). This information is retrieved with the info sub command. In isolation, that command lists all telegram types. With a telegram name appended it lists all details of that telegram type. To know more about telegram type readpwmchn enter

>> osp info readpwmchn
TELEGRAM 4E: readpwmchn
DESCRIPTION: Returns current PWM setting (for all three LEDs) of the 
             requested channel.
CASTING    : uni 
PAYLOAD    : 1 (chn); response 6 (red1 red0 grn1 grn0 blu1 blu0)
STATUS REQ : no (no sr possible)
DUPLICATE  : 4E/readpwm

This information explains (1st line) that readpwmchn has telegram id 0x4E, and that it is sent using unicast (3rd line) not broadcast or serial cast (those are never supported for telegrams that return some information). The description (2nd line) explains that the telegram returns RGB settings for one channel. The 4th line shows the telegram payload bytes in detail: the command telegram has 1 byte, the channel, the response telegram has 6 bytes, two for each color. No status (line 5) will be returned (several commands have as feature that the node acknowledges with a status response); as this is not possible for telegrams that return some information. Finally this identifies that there is a telegram with the same ID but different behavior (in this case that is the very similar readpwm without a channel).

High level OSP

There is a "high level" way to send OSP telegrams. The firmware will fill in the preamble, payload size indicator, telegram id and crc. The following high level command sequence switches on two RGBs; the first (SAID 001 channel 0) to green, the second (SAID 2 channel 0) to blue. The info for setpwmchn explains the 8 bytes payload: chn unused red1 red0 grn1 grn0 blu1 blu0 (the reason for the unused byte FF is that OSP telegrams can have a length of 6 or 8, but not 7).

osp send 000 reset
osp send 001 initbidir
osp send 000 clrerror
osp send 000 goactive
osp send 001 setpwmchn 00  FF  00 00  11 11  00 00
osp send 002 setpwmchn 00  FF  00 00  00 00  11 11

This is the sequence in action.

>> osp dirmux bidir // ensure the mux matches the init (below)
dirmux: bidir
>> osp send 000 reset 
tx A0 00 00 22
rx none ok
>> osp send 001 initbidir // matches dirmux
tx A0 04 02 A9
rx A0 25 02 6B 50 7F (230 us) ok
>> osp send 000 clrerror 
tx A0 00 01 0D
rx none ok
>> osp send 000 goactive 
tx A0 00 05 B1
rx none ok
>> osp send 001 setpwmchn 00 FF 00 00 11 11 00 00 
tx A0 07 CF 00 FF 00 00 11 11 00 00 49
rx none ok
>> osp send 002 setpwmchn 00 FF 00 00 00 00 11 11
tx A0 0B CF 00 FF 00 00 00 00 11 11 5D
rx none ok

A typical initialization sequence is as follows. The broadcast (000) of the reset telegram resets all nodes; this also clears there addresses. The serial cast of initloop reassigns addresses (typically starting at 001). Make sure the direction mux is configured to match the wiring of the demo board, and make sure the initloop/initbidir matches the direction mux.

osp send 000 reset
osp dirmux loop
osp send 001 initloop


osp send 000 reset
osp dirmux bidir
osp send 001 initbidir

These two sequences can be abbreviated to

osp resetinit

which first tries Loop, and then BiDir (and also controls the dirmux).

Low level OSP

The above "high level" commands do show the raw bytes being transferred. There is also a "low level" way to send OSP telegrams. This is especially useful for testing. For low level telegrams, the user has to enter all details (all bytes); but there is a feature to get the CRC computed. We can use the high level commands first to get those details.

osp tx A0 00 00 22 // 000 reset
osp tx A0 04 02 A9 // 001 initbidir
osp tx A0 00 01 0D // 000 clrerror
osp tx A0 00 05 B1 // 000 goactive
osp tx A0 07 CF 00 FF 00 00 11 11 00 00 49 // 001 setpwmchn 00 grn
osp tx A0 0B CF 00 FF 00 00 00 00 11 11 5D // 002 setpwmchn 00 blu

If commands are sent, they are validated (see osp validate). Even if validation fails, for example because the CRC doesn't match, or the payload doesn't match the size indicator, the telegram is still sent. This allows for testing error behavior also.

Validation can be switched off (to make transfers faster) with osp validate disable. There are other managerial subcommands (osp log and osp count and to some extend osp hwtest).

Here is an example with validation triggered; we send goactive with a payload byte FF (where it has none).

>> osp tx  A0 00 05 FF B1
validate: 05/goactive does not have 1 bytes as payload, but 0..0
validate: payload is 1 bytes so psi should be 1 but is 0 
validate: crc B1 is incorrect (should be 53)
tx A0 00 05 FF B1
rx none ok

If a node executes an erroneous telegram is implementation dependent (e.g. CRC checking can be disabled in SAID). But for command arguments the OSP specification says "If the length of the argument does not match the expectation, an error flag is raised. The command will not be executed".

We saw in the previous section that the response for bidir was A0 25 02 6B 50 7F. We can ask help to dissect this.

>> osp fields A0 25 02 6B 50 7F
|      A0       |      25       |      02       |      6B       |      50       |      7F       |
|1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0|0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1|0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1|0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0|0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|
|preambl|      address      | psi |   command   |    payload    |    payload    |      crc      |
|  0xA  |       0x009       | 0x2 |    0x02     |     0x6B      |     0x50      |   0x7F (ok)   |
|   -   |    unicast(9)     |  2  |  initbidir  |      107      |       80      |    127 (ok)   |

Topo for OSP

Some firmware variants contain the command topo which supports an even higher abstraction in operating an OSP chain. It builds a data structure called the topology map, which identifies how many RGB triplets there are. For each triplet it records if it is a stand-alone RGBI or an RGB module connected to a SAID. The command topo pwm allows setting the color of a triplet, abstracting away if it is an RGBI or an RGB connected to a SAID.

The below fragment switches RGB triplet 6 to red. It also sets the "global brightness" of the topo module to 50‰ (actually "pro kibi").

>> topo build // includes resetinit
nodes(N) 1..9, triplets(T) 0..16, i2cbridges(I) 0..1, dir loop
>> topo dim 50
dim 50/1024 (said 41x, rgbi 104x below max power)
>> topo pwm 6 1111 0000 0000
pwm T6: 1111 0000 0000


In addition to the generic osp command, there is the said command, with support specifically for the SAID chip.

For example, the fragment below scans the entire OSP chain for SAIDs, checks if they have an I2C bus, and if so, scans the I2C bus.

>> said i2c 000 scan
SAID 001 has I2C (now powered)
  00:  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0a  0b  0c  0d  0e  0f 
  10:  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f 
  20:  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f 
  30:  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  3a  3b  3c  3d  3e  3f 
  40:  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  4a  4b  4c  4d  4e  4f 
  50:  50  51  52  53 [54] 55  56  57  58  59  5a  5b  5c  5d  5e  5f 
  60:  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  6a  6b  6c  6d  6e  6f 
  70:  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  7a  7b  7c  7d  7e  7f 
SAID 001 has 1 I2C devices

SAID 005 has I2C (now powered)
  00:  00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0a  0b  0c  0d  0e  0f 
  10:  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f 
  20: [20] 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f 
  30:  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  3a  3b  3c  3d  3e  3f 
  40:  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  4a  4b  4c  4d  4e  4f 
  50: [50] 51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  5a  5b  5c  5d  5e  5f 
  60:  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  6a  6b  6c  6d  6e  6f 
  70:  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  7a  7b  7c  7d  7e  7f 
SAID 005 has 2 I2C devices

total 2 SAIDs have 3 I2C devices

The @ version is much less verbose

>> @said i2c 000 scan
[54] SAID 001 has 1 I2C devices
[20][50] SAID 005 has 2 I2C devices
total 2 SAIDs have 3 I2C devices

Both show that at address 001 there is a SAID with an I2C device with address 54. That happens to be an (AT24C02C) EEPROM. Let's try to read 8 bytes from address 80.

>> said i2c 001 read 54 80 8
said(001) FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

All bytes are FF. We change the middle four to "DEADBEEF".

>> said i2c 001 write 54 82 DE AD BE EF
said(001) DE AD BE EF
>> said i2c 001 read 54 80 8
said(001) FF FF DE AD BE EF FF FF

And we restore that (using @ for reduced output)

>> @said i2c 001 write 54 82 FF FF FF FF
>> @said i2c 001 read 54 80 8


Another (advanced) feature of the said command is reading the OTP.

> said otp 001
otp: 0x0D: 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
otp: CH_CLUSTERING     0D.7:5 0
otp: HAPTIC_DRIVER     0D.4   0
otp: SPI_MODE          0D.3   1
otp: SYNC_PIN_EN       0D.2   0
otp: STAR_NET_EN       0D.1   0
otp: I2C_BRIDGE_EN     0D.0   1
otp: *STAR_START       0E.7   0
otp: OTP_ADDR_EN       0E.3   0
otp: STAR_NET_OTP_ADDR 0E.2:0 0 (0x000)

It is also possible to read a specific byte of the OTP. Writing a byte requires a password, which can be set with the command said password, that is, if you know the password (get it from your ams OSRAM contact).

>> said otp 001 0D
SAID[001].OTP[0D] -> 09 (ok)
>> said otp 001 0D 08
WARNING: ask ams-OSRAM for TESTPW and see aoosp_said_testpw_get() for how to set it
SAID[001].OTP[0D] <- 08 (ok)
>> said otp 001 0D
SAID[001].OTP[0D] -> 09 (ok)


This library comes with the following examples. You can find them in the Arduino IDE via File > Examples > OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd > ...

  • aocmd_min (source)
    This demo initializes the command interpreter, then starts polling Serial for incoming characters. These are buffered until an end-of-line is received (either CR or LF), then the command is parsed and executed. This demo does not add its own command.

  • aocmd_owncmd (source)
    This demo implements an application specific command, and registers it with the command interpreter. The new command has name stat. It allows passing several (hex) numbers. The stat command keeps track of the count and the sum.

  • aocmd_boot (source)
    This demo implements an application that prints a message every x ms. It adds a command ("wait") to set and get x. This command can then be stored in boot.cmd, to configure this app persistently.

  • aocmd_template (source)
    This sketch is a template for an application with a command handler. It includes an application banner, it implements the upcalls from the "version" command, and it runs boot.cmd on startup.

There is also an official executable - as opposed to an example - in another library, namely aotop:

  • osplink (source)
    This application allows the PC (with a terminal like the Arduino Serial Monitor) to send and receive OSP telegrams, using serial-over-USB.

    This library aocmd comes with an experimental Python library libosplink and a Python application exosplink to drive osplink.

Module architecture

This library contains several modules, see the figure below for an overview (arrows indicate #include).


  • aocmd_cint (aocmd_cint.cpp and aocmd_cint.h) is the core module of the library; it implements the command interpreter. All other modules implement command handlers. The command handlers are registered with the command interpreter. When the user enters a command whose name matches one of the registered ones, the command interpreter calls the handler.

    The command interpreter is a recycled library Version 8.1.0 is used. The prefix is changed from cmd to aocmd_cint, and two friend commands (echo and help) were split off (put in separate files). No API documentation has been added for this library.

  • aocmd_echo (aocmd_echo.cpp and aocmd_echo.h) is the first friend command of the command interpreter. Friend, because it configures the command interpreter, e.g. enable/disable command echoing.

  • aocmd_help (aocmd_help.cpp and aocmd_help.h) is the second friend command of the command interpreter. Friend, because it knows which commands are registered with the command interpreter, so it can provide help on them.

    Use help xxx to get (syntax) help on command xxx.

  • aocmd_board (aocmd_board.cpp and aocmd_board.h) is a generic command giving some information about the board: which micro controller (revision, features), memory sizes. It also allows the user to issue a software reset (board reboot); this resets the ESP and restarts the software.

    Note that aocmd_board has intimate knowledge of the ESP32S3, so it is unlikely to run unmodified on other CPUs.

  • aocmd_version (aocmd_version.cpp and aocmd_version.h) is a generic command listing various versions: of the application, libraries, compiler, and IDE. It has two callbacks, one for the application to print is version number, and one generic, for any other version info an application might want to print.

  • aocmd_file (aocmd_file.cpp and aocmd_file.h) is a generic command that manages one file (boot.cmd) stored in a simple persistent file system (EEPROM of ESP, max 2k byte). The crux of boot.cmd is that it runs on power-on, so it can be used to configure an application.

  • aocmd_osp (aocmd_osp.cpp with aocmd_osp.i, and aocmd_osp.h) is the core command to support the OSP protocol. The info sub command is a "help" command giving all (details of all) telegrams, enum enumerates the nodes in the OSP chain connected to the MCU, and resetinit resets and initializes the OSP chain.

    The key sub commands are send and tx. They allows sending (and receiving the response) telegrams. The send command is high level; the preamble, payload size, telegram id, crc are supplied automatically. The tx is low level, all bytes have to be hand composed. Both commands allow sending miss-formed telegrams (tx even more so than send). This allows checking error handling behavior and border cases.

    The file aocmd_osp.i contains a table of all know telegrams. It is used to select telegrams by name, provide info on telegrams, and to validate the fields of telegrams, like the payload size.

  • aocmd_said (aocmd_said.cpp and aocmd_said.h) command is for specific SAID features. For example it supports sub commands to read and write OTP memory and I2C messages.


The header aocmd.h contains the API of this library. It includes the module headers aocmd_cint.h, aocmd_echo.h, aocmd_help.h, aocmd_board.h, aocmd_version.h, aocmd_file.h, aocmd_osp.h, and aocmd_said.h.

The headers (h files) contain little documentation; for details see the module sources (cpp files).


  • aocmd_init() initializes the library (command interpreter, file system, osp info tables).
  • AOCMD_VERSION identifies the version of the library.
  • aocmd_register() registers all commands from this library - a shorthand for calling the register of all commands contained in the library individually.


This module is recycled from the public domain. The header file contains one-line explanations of each function. Here we will just give a high level overview.

  • There are several macros AOCMD_CINT_XXX which configure the "size" of the command interpreter, like the maximum number of registered commands or the maximum length of a command line.

  • For applications using a command line the key functions (after aocmd_init()) are aocmd_cint_prompt() and aocmd_cint_pollserial().

    void setup() {
      // optional: aocmd_file_bootcmd_exec_on_por(); 
    void loop() {
  • When implementing a command, the signature of the command handler (aocmd_cint_func_t) is important, as well as how to register it (aocmd_cint_register()). In the command handler, parser routines such as aocmd_cint_parse_hex() and aocmd_cint_isprefix() are helpful.

aocmd_echo, aocmd_help, aocmd_board, aocmd_version, aocmd_file, aocmd_osp, aocmd_said

All these modules have a function to register the command. We take "echo" as example.

  • aocmd_echo_register() registers the built-in "echo" command with the command interpreter.

Recall that aocmd_register() calls all register functions in this library. So, either call that one, or call a subset of aocmd_xxx_register().

Some of the modules require initialization like aocmd_file_init() and aocmd_osp_init(). This initializes the file system, respectively telegram parser, but these inits are called from aocmd_init(), so normal client code does not need to call any of them.


In addition to aocmd_version_register(), there are two other public functions. These are so-called weak upcalls from the version command handler.

  • weak aocmd_version_app(); it shall print to Serial the application name and version.
  • weak aocmd_version_extra(); it may print to Serial additional ingredients with name and version.

"Weak" means that an application can re-implement those functions (using the exact same name), and those re-implementations take precedence over these weak implementations. For details see the section Upcalls via weak linking below.

The default implementation of the two functions is printing a stub line respectively printing nothing.

The version command already prints the version of ESP runtime, ESP compiler, Arduino IDE, compilation date/time, and the version of the lower libraries aoresult, aospi, aoosp, and aocmd.


In addition to aocmd_file_register() and aocmd_file_init(), there is one other public function:

  • aocmd_file_bootcmd_exec_on_por() executes the file boot.cmd on power on reset, by feeding its content to the command interpreter.

  • Note that the size of boot.cmd is limited to 2047 including the terminating 0.

Execution architecture

Main loop

When the command interpreter is integrated into an Arduino application, it has the following form:

void setup() {

void loop() {
  • The command interpreter uses Serial to receive commands and transmit answers. This usage is implicit (accessing the global symbol Serial), so Serial must have been begin().

  • The command interpreter must have been initialized, this is done with aocmd_init().

  • Finally, the function aocmd_cint_pollserial() is the work horse. It checks Serial for incoming characters, and passes them to the command interpreter. The command interpreter stores them until a CR or LF is received. Then the command interpreter parses the command line (splits it in arguments argc and argv[]), looks up the command name and executes the associated handler.

  • The function aocmd_cint_pollserial() checks for incoming characters using the HardwareSerial interrupt service routine. That routine picks up incoming characters, and stores them in in a buffer with size HardwareSerial_rxBufferSize(256).

    In other words, when characters come in at a high pace there is a risk of losing them (buffer overflow). To mitigate this risk, and for the liveliness of the command interpreter, it is best if the execution time of ...other... is small (well below 100ms).

    Of course the sender of the characters (the PC) should not just flood the ESP with commands. Best is to send a command, wait for a new prompt and only then send a new command.

Upcalls via weak linking

The aocmd uses weak linking as a mechanism to let the library upcall to the application.

It is used by the version command. It has two functions with weak linkage aocmd_version_app() and aocmd_version_extra(). The first one is a stub printing no application version registered; it shall be replaced by a function in the application that prints to Serial the application name and version.

The second function is empty; it may be replaced by an application specific function that prints to Serial additional ingredients with name and version.

The diagram below explains the behavior of the compiler and the resulting call graph.

Weak upcall

Python (experimental)

The examples directory of aotop contains an Arduino sketch osplink.ino. This is an application, that contains just the command interpreter, and with that the commands to send and receive telegrams.

The directory python in aocmd contains a Python library (libosplink). This library has one object (CmdInt in module that can communicate with any command interpreter, and one object (OSPlink in module that can communicate to the command interpreter as implemented in the Arduino osplink sketch.

The directory python also contains two Python examples, one for each module, that demonstrate how to use those objects. See the readme for instructions. Note that the Python library is an experimental proof-of-concept.

Version history aocmd

  • 2025 March 3, 0.5.9

    • Adapted to new AOOSP_I2CCFG_SPEED_XXX constants.
    • said i2c xxx write now uses aoosp_exec_i2cwrite8 io aoosp_send_i2cwrite8.
    • Improved help on 'osp fields'.
    • Typos fixed.
    • Fixed documentation error for aocmd_init().
  • 2024 November 29, 0.5.8

    • Improved text "help osp".
    • Improved osp info text for readledst; added readledstchn.
    • Improved osp info text for readcomst.
  • 2024 November 8, 0.5.7

    • Improved osp info texts.
    • Documentation improvements.
  • 2024 October 24, 0.5.6

    • New command said password to get/set SAID password in aoosp store.
  • 2024 October 22, 0.5.5

    • Added command osp aoresult [ <filter> ] to show errors (nr/id/description).
    • Added command osp fields <data>..., similar to python dissector.
    • Fixed typos in python readme.mds.
  • 2024 October 8, 0.5.4

    • Prefixed modules.drawio.png with library short name.
    • Moved domain from to
    • Updated readme's for Python.
  • 2024 September 10, 0.5.3

    • Added I2C read and write commands said i2c <addr> read|write and updated
    • Added I2C frequency control said i2c <addr> freq [<freq>].
    • Added arguments to functions in and
    • Extra top-level readme for python, and update of deeper Python readme's.
    • Added power estimate to osp enum.
    • Shortened filename in aocmd_template.ino.
    • Updated description of examples (BEHAVIOR section).
    • Some DC3 chars removed from
  • 2024 August 5, 0.5.2

    • Updated section "Example commands".
    • More uniform error messages in command handlers "'xxx' expects 'yyy', not 'zzz'".
  • 2024 August 28, 0.5.1

    • Command help <cmd> now has topic selector.
    • Commands help and said now support prefix-@ to suppress output.
    • Command osp now prints round trip time.
    • More uniform error messages in command handlers "'xxx' expected 'yyy', not 'zzz'", "'xxx' has unknown argument ('zzz')", and "'xxx' has too many args"
    • Removed [@] in SYNTAX help.
    • Added links in for all example sketches.
    • Commands osp send, osp tx, and osp trx validate initloop/bidir telegrams against dirmux state.
    • Updates to and system.drawio.png.
  • 2024 August 9, 0.5.0

    • Added comment on F() and PSTR(); aocm_board being ESP32S3 specific and boot.cmd being 2k max.
    • Removed docname (aka old name or datasheet name) in aocmd_osp.cpp/aocmd_osp.i.
    • Corrected link to GitHub from aotop to OSP_aotop.
    • Remove "oalib" from sentence= in
    • Typos in aocmd_cint.h fixed
    • Arduino name changed from OSP Command interpreter - aocmd to OSP CommandInterpreter aocmd.
    • Renamed dir extra to extras.
    • Added command osp hwtest to help testing the OSP32 board.
    • Command osp enum now has summary formatted the same as topo enum.
    • license.txt line endings changed from LF to CR+LF.
  • 2024 July 02, 0.4.4

    • Initial release candidate.
