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A library with drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board (the OSP/SAID root MCU board).


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OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32

Library "OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32", usually abbreviated to "aoui32", is one of the aolibs; short for Arduino OSP libraries from ams-OSRAM. This suite implements support for chips that use the Open System Protocol, like the AS1163 ("SAID") or the OSIRE E3731i ("RGBi"). The landing page for the aolibs is on GitHub.


Library aoui32 contains drivers for the UI elements on the OSP32 board. As a result, library aoui32 does not depend on the other aolibs, only on the Arduino API (GPIO pins and I2C). It can be used in isolation.

aoui32 in context

UI Elements

This library drives the following elements.

  • A, X, and Y button
  • red and green signaling LED
  • 128×32 OLED

The (OLED) display is intentionally small to only feedback a minimum of information. The intention is that the screen shows the "application state":

  • Which app is running (its name); the A button selects next app.
  • What the X and Y button do in the current app.

OLED showing state


The image below shows the OSP32 board with the UI elements highlighted in red.

OSP32 board with UI


This library comes with the following examples. You can find them in the Arduino IDE via File > Examples > OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32 > ...

  • aoui32_but (source)
    This demonstrates how to detect button presses and button releases of the buttons on the OSP32 board. The library can report the transitions (events like button going down or going up), not just the button being down or being up.

  • aoui32_led (source)
    This demo shows the various ways the signaling LEDs on the OSP32 board can be controlled: on/off/toggle, changing a single or both LEDs.

  • aoui32_oled (source)
    This demo demonstrates the OLED on the OSP32 board. Button A controls the OLED contents, and buttons X and Y control the green and red signaling LED. This demo also has a splash screen.

Module architecture

This library contains three modules, see figure below (arrows indicate #include).


  • aoui32_but (aoui32_but.cpp and aoui32_but.h) is a small module that implements functions to check for button (A, X, Y) transitions ("went down").

  • aoui32_led (aoui32_led.cpp and aoui32_led.h) is a small module that implements functions to switch one or more signaling LEDs (the red and/or the green one) on or off (or toggle).

  • aoui32_oled (aoui32_oled.cpp and aoui32_oled.h) is a small module that implements some wrapper functions on top of a library for an OLED display. The wrapper uses the Tiny OLED library (toled). The aoui32 library comes with a copy of toled included, to ensure there are no versioning issues. The included library is a single module (c/h file), but it comes with 5 extra files, each implementing a font of some size.


The header aoui32.h contains the API of this library. It includes the module headers aoui32_but.h, aoui32_led.h, and aoui32_oled.h. The headers contain little documentation; for that see the module source files.


  • aoui32_init() initializes the button and led pins and configures the OLED.
  • AOUI32_VERSION identifies the version of the library.


  • aoui32_but_scan() must be called regularly - see "Execution architecture".
  • aoui32_but_isup(buts) and aoui32_but_isdown(buts) check the current button state (a mask of buttons can be passed).
  • aoui32_but_wentdown(buts) and aoui32_but_wentup(buts) check button transitions (a mask of buttons can be passed).


  • aoui32_led_on(leds) switches all passed LEDs (mask) on.
  • aoui32_led_off(leds) switches all passed LEDs (mask) off.
  • aoui32_led_toggle(leds) toggles all passed LEDs (mask).


  • aoui32_oled_state(name,xlbl,ylbl) shows a screen with three fields: app name, function of X button, and function of Y button.

    OLED showing state

  • aoui32_oled_msg(msg) shows a full screen (error) message in sans5 font.

    OLED showing state

  • aoui32_oled_splash(name,version) shows a splash screen with name and version of executable (and the OSP "logo").

    OLED showing splash

  • It should be noted that header "aoui32.h" includes "toled.h", so all low level primitives of the underlying OLED driver (toled) are also available to an application using library aoui32.


The aoui32 lib assumes a fixed wiring for the buttons (A, X, and Y), signaling LEDs (red/error, green/ok), and the OLED. The OLED is assumed to be of resolution 128×32 pixels, and driven by an SSD1306 controller.


Execution architecture


The buttons require a regular call to aoui32_but_scan(). The module keeps the last two scan results (i.e. the button states), and with that it can determine a aoui32_but_wentdown() or aoui32_but_wentup() transition.

Call aoui32_but_scan() frequently, say at least every 100ms, but preferably more often, for a smooth UI. To prevent picking up contact bounce, too frequent calls are ignored (see constant AOUI32_BUT_BOUNCE_MS).


The OLED module keeps a 128×32 pixel monochrome frame buffer in which all draw operations take place. The function toled_clear() erases the frame buffer. The function toled_commit() sends the frame buffer, all 4096 pixels (512 bytes), over I2C to the OLED. The OLED has a 1MHz I2C connection, which one might hope results in a transfer time of 128×32/1M = 4096 µs. In practice the transfer time is 6000 µs.

Drawing a near full-screen rectangle on an ESP32S3 takes 45 µs (not even 1% of the transfer time), and drawing some text takes 340 µs (6% of the transfer time). These figures come from the toled library.

action time (µs) % of transfer
draw rectangle 45 1
draw text 340 6
transfer to OLED 6000 100

Version history aoui32

  • 2025 March 3, 0.3.10

    • Improved doc on aoui32_but_scan().
    • Bug fix in aoui32_but_init().
  • 2024 November 29, 0.3.9

    • Text correction in
  • 2024 October 8, 0.3.8

    • Prefixed modules.drawio.png with library short name.
    • Moved domain from to
    • BEHAVIOR added to examples.
  • 2024 September 6, 0.3.7

    • Updated description in two examples.
    • Updated
  • 2024 September 5, 0.3.6

    • Replaced OSP32 photo.
    • API section in readme now shows parameter names.
    • Added links in for all example sketches.
    • Corrected link to GitHub from aotop to OSP_aotop.
    • Remove "oalib" from sentence= in
    • Arduino name changed from OSP Drivers UI OSP32 board - aoui32 to OSP UIDriversOSP32 aoui32.
    • Renamed dir extra to extras.
    • license.txt, examples\xxx.ino line endings changed from LF to CR+LF.
  • 2024 July 02, 0.3.5

    • Initial release candidate.
