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IntPyGMT is an open-source Jupyter Notebook library that generates interactive maps from png images where you can click to retrieve map coordinates. It supports two primary functionalities:

1. From a GMT/PyGMT-generated png

Creates an interactive map from a GMT/PyGMT-generated png image. This feature supports all GMT/PyGMT projection systems provided that the correct xshift and yshift parameters are specified.

This works by overlaying an interactive matplotlib widget on top of a GMT/PyGMT-generated png. User's click coordinates are recorded and adjusted for the map's border width (via xshift and yshift) before processed through GMT's mapproject module which returns map coordinates based on the specified region and projection.

The easiest way to control the border width of a GMT map is to first create an empty background canvas that must be larger than the main map. Then, you can adjust the xshift and yshift by shifting the main map relative to the background canvas. Please see demo_conical and demo_pygmt for demonstrations.

2. From a borderless png map (in Mercator projection)

Creates an interactive map from a borderless png image in Mercator projection. This is not limited to GMT/PyGMT-generated outputs provided that the coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the map are known.

This works by aligning a matplotlib map on top of a borderless png image. User's click coordinates on the matplotlib map are then directly registered and returned as map coordinates. Please see demo_borderless_mercator_png and demo_borderless_mercator_pygmt for demonstrations. For an example of this function adapted and applied to an InSAR time-series plot, see demo_time_series.

Getting Started

A testing binder notebook is now available here:



This code works in conjunction with PyGMT virtual environment (see To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Clone the repo

git clone

Navigate to the project directory

cd IntPyGMT

Initialize PyGMT environment

conda create --name pygmt --channel conda-forge pygmt
conda activate pygmt

Install the library

pip install IntPyGMT@git+



Please ensure that matplotlib widget is enabled before you call the function.

%matplotlib widget

To use on top of a GMT/PyGMT-generated png (see demo_conical/cascadia.ipynb):

from IntPyGMT.IntPyGMT_overlay import gmt_png
%matplotlib widget

region=[-136, -118.5, 38.5, 53.1]

gmt_png("cascadia.png", region, projection, "2c", "5c")

To use on top of a borderless png map (see demo_borderless_mercator_png/Herat_InSAR_stc.ipynb):

from IntPyGMT.IntPyGMT_overlay import mercator_png
%matplotlib widget

llcrnrlon=62 # lower left corner longitude 
llcrnrlat=32.65 # lower left corner latitude
urcrnrlon=72.8 # upper right corner longitude
urcrnrlat=38.65 # upper right corner latitude
grid_freq = 2
mercator_png("Herat_InSAR_stc.png", llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon, grid_freq)


This is an open-source project, thus contributions and edits are strongly encouraged. GitHub users may open issues or make pull requests for contributions. Alternatively please email me ( for any suggestions and/ or enquiries.

This project may be freely distributed and modified provided the source is acknowledged explicitly. Please cite the latest release when you do so.


This project was initiated as part of my 3rd-year Independent Project in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London (see: MomentTensorSum). It has greatly benefitted from subsequent development during my time as a COMET research intern at the University of Leeds.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Dr Milan Lazecky, for it was his invaluable guidance and unwavering support that made this project a reality.

Additionally, I am grateful to COMET, the UK’s Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics, for funding my research internship. It was during this time that we developed the core functionality of the code.

Version 1.0.0, 2024


Interactive PyGMT Library







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  • Jupyter Notebook 99.9%
  • Other 0.1%