Note for existing users of this package: As of March 2, 2018 I am renaming this package from WebUnit to WebTools to avoid naming conflicts with future releases of the Wolfram Language (which will include parts of the WebUnit functionality).
WebTools is a package written in the Wolfram Language which automates interaction with a web browser using the JSON wire protocol.
Supported functionality includes:
- Starting and stopping a web browser
- Opening web pages and switching to web pages in different browser tabs
- Typing in input fields and clicking links
- Reading web page content and taking screen shots
- Executing javascript in the current browser session and returning javascript function results
To install this package:
- Navigate to the 'Releases' area of this repository:
- Download the most recent WebTools-x.y.z.paclet file from this page
- Start the Wolfram Language and evaluate the following command (replacing x.y.z with the actual version digits):
PacletInstall["<path to downloads>/WebTools-x.y.z.paclet"]
Then, open the usage.nb
notebook to see basic usage for the supported functions.