How to create a simple map with a marker and popup using OpenLayers? How to add a marker to OpenLayers map? OpenLayers map marker with popup. Create marker with geolocation or double click. Delivery area with polygon. Multiple markers with html popups. Animated markers.
<!-- OpenLayers map -->
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- Add image marker to map
- Show map popup on click
- Create marker on double click
- Clear all layer markers on double click
- Create map polygon from points array
- Create delivery area, export polygon
- Test delivery area with polygon
- Search location from address (geolocation)
- Animate marker, marker highlight (ontop)
- Animate marker popup
- Multiple tags with popups from an array or database
Map marker onclick
Create, load or edit polygon sample. Load polygon in json format. Download polygon file
Multiple tags with popups from an array or database
Set map div height.
map {
float: left;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
Test delivery area coordinates
var coordinate = [21.002902, 52.22885]
var polygon_points = [[20.57, 53.30], [21.24, 53.30], [22.152810, 52.648142], [21.24, 52], [20.50, 52], [19.785212, 52.783446]];
function PointInPolygon(coordinate, polygon_points_array)
var polygon = new ol.geom.Polygon([polygon_points_array]);
var out = polygon.intersectsCoordinate(coordinate);
return out;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script>