This is a Arduino Library for the ESP8266 12E.
This repo contains CoAP protocol for operationg ESP-12E as CoAP server and as CoAp client.
RFC 7252 simple server library for Arduino.
- /examples - Example sketches for the library (.ino). Run these from the Arduino IDE.
- /src - Source files for the library (.cpp, .h).
- - General library properties for the Arduino package manager.
- library.json - General library properties for the Arduino package manager in JSON format
- keywords.txt - Contains the keywords for Arduino IDE.
This lightweight library source code have only 4 files. coapServer.cpp, coapServer.h, coapClient.cpp, coapClient.h .
Some sample sketches for Arduino included(/examples/).
- coapserver.ino: simple server endpoint url callback sample.
- coapclient.ino: simple client response callback sample.
Download this source code branch zip file and extract to the Arduino libraries directory or checkout repository. Here is checkout on Ubuntu.
cd $HOME/Downloads/Arduino/libraries/
git clone
# restart Arduino IDE, you can find ESP-CoAP examples.
- Upload the server example code to ESP-12E and open Serial Monitor to get the IPaddress of ESP-12E(server)
- Run the coap client(web browser) with following URI coap://IPaddress:default port number/resource, to connect to ESP-12E server.
- Upload the client example cose to ESP-12E, check the working by taking ETH Zurich as server.
For more information about this library please vist here.
You can buy the ESP-CoAP compatible modules from us by going to this URL here.
Server Side Working:
- Methods
- POST (update working,creation not working)
- DELETE (not working)
- Ping
- Observe (only 1 resource; only 10 observers)
- Resource Discovery
- Block Transfer (WIP)
- Methods
Client Side Working:
- Methods
- Observe
- Ping
- Methods
The ESP-CoAP is maintained by thingTronics Innovations.
Main contributor:
- Poornima Nagesh
- Lovelesh Patel