Hi 👋, my name is Bryan Aguilar
I am a systems engineer specialized in front-end with more than five years of professional experience. I have worked in software development, mobile app creation, front-end web, but I also have some skills in other fields like backend development and data management.
💻 Frontend Developer / wrangling skills using React / Next.js / Angular / Flutter
⚙ Backend Developer / wrangling skills using Node / Java / Python / Nest JS
📖 Enthusiastic Data Analyst & Scientist / SQL / Spreadsheets / Python
- Visit my website and see some of my work
- 🔭 I am working on Galileo Financial Technologies as
Senior Software Engineer
- 📫 How to contact me: bryan.aguilar6174@gmail.com
- 📝 I write articles on Medium @baguilar6174
- My LinkedIn profile baguilar6174
Apart from coding, I also maintain a blog - you can find my articles on my website at bryan-aguilar.com/blog as well as on Medium.
A sample of my recent articles:
- Conway’s Game of Life and Mathematical Incompleteness
- Dependency Injection & Dependency Inversion Principle
- Java Collections Framework
- JavaScript Essentials, Mastering Core Concepts
- Modern API Development with Node.js, Express, and TypeScript using Clean Architecture