Dotfiles and shell scripts to setup a new desktop and to automate tasks.
Dotfiles are basically configuration files for various applications like desktop themes, VS Code themes, launch options, etc. These files are usually kept as hidden files in /home folder in Linux, so they are referred to as dotfiles since . prefix is used to hide a file.
This repository contains dotfiles and some scripts used to automate mundane tasks like installing your favorite apps after reinstalling an OS, loading dotfiles, etc.
β£ π Windows # Windows scripts
β β π *.bat
β β π config.bat # Variables for use in Windows scripts
β£ π Linux # Linux dotfiles (TBA)
β£ π NOTES.MD # Reference notes regarding implementation of the scripts
β£ π Todo.txt # Rough notes on what I have to implement
β π
I stole ideas and scripts from these people whenever I was too lazy to code by Googled for them first, because why code manually if someone has already done it? (jk this is basically how learning works, and I do learn something new from their code instead of blindly copying them)
- Jeremy Harlow - Wi-Fi KeepAlive
- Sygmond - Loading variables from external file
- Will Ward - Design tree listing with emojis and other unicode characters
- Dmitriy - Installing winget packages from a list