Makes choosing a restaurant with a group of people easy.
# to track where you go, or simply create group!
Choose where you want to go and what you're interested in.
Vote on places with your friends and Grüper will tell you where you're going!
- Product Owner: Erik Thompson
- Scrum Master: Anirvan Awatramani
- Development Team Members: Aidan Bane, Richard Hertzog
npm run build npm start
- axios: ^0.15.3,
- bcrypt-nodejs: 0.0.3,
- body-parser: ^1.17.1,
- css-loader: ^0.28.0,
- express: ^4.15.2,
- grommet: ^1.3.4,
- jquery: ^3.2.1,
- jwt-simple: ^0.5.1,
- loadjs: ^3.5.0,
- mongoose: ^4.9.2,
- morgan: ^1.8.1,
- node-sass: ^4.5.2,
- pubnub: ^4.8.0,
- react: ^15.5.4,
- react-copy-to-clipboard: ^4.2.3,
- react-countdown-clock: ^1.1.0,
- react-dom: ^15.4.2,
- react-router: ^4.0.0,
- react-router-dom: ^4.0.0,
- sass-loader: ^6.0.3,
- style-loader: ^0.16.1,
- underscore: ^1.8.3,
- yelp-fusion: ^1.0.3
- babel: ^6.23.0,
- babel-core: ^6.24.0,
- babel-jest: ^19.0.0,
- babel-loader: ^6.4.1,
- babel-preset-es2015: ^6.24.1,
- babel-preset-react: ^6.24.1,
- chai: ^3.5.0,
- css-loader: ^0.28.0,
- enzyme: ^2.8.2,
- jest: ^19.0.2,
- node-sass: ^4.5.2,
- nodemon: ^1.11.0,
- react-addons-test-utils: ^15.5.1,
- react-test-renderer: ^15.5.4,
- sass-loader: ^6.0.3,
- standard: ^9.0.2,
- style-loader: ^0.16.1,
- supertest: ^3.0.0,
- svg-react-loader: ^0.3.7,
- webpack: ^2.3.2
From within the root directory:
npm install mocha -g
npm install
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.