PHP AUTH: This is a simple boilerplate for PHP Auth.
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Password Reset
- Run this command for cloning the project (otherwise you can download as .zip)
git clone
- Create MySQL 5.* DB
- Copy the "env-example.php" as "env.php" and configure DB credentials
- Unzip "" and move all the extracted resources to the "tcpdf" folder
- Cop and paste necessary font files (.php, .z)
- Config your host on root folder (probably it'll be hosted on 'index.php' by default)
- Run necessary migrations via web page "/setup.php"
- Run necessary seeders via web page "/seeds.php"
- Open the page "/#"
- For User page you can go to the "/welcome.php"
- tutorialrepublic
- image in tcpdf
- fonts
- jsfiddle resume html
- armenian fonts
- How to implement custom fonts in TCPDF
- Creating PDFs using TCPDF that supports all languages especially CJK
- ttf font to fpdf or tcpdf online conversion
- TCPDF font converter e.g. for Magento Extension pdfPRINT
- Using Unicode with TCPDF
- encode-utf-8-in-tcpdf
- tcpdf-fonts
- utf-8-all-the-way-through
- Font changed
- Check Auth functionality with uncommenting these code blocks
//if(!isset($_SESSION["loggedin"]) || $_SESSION["loggedin"] !== true){