All about Tensorflow/Keras semantic segmentation
한국어 지원
- Data preprocessing
- Train
- Evaluate
- Predict real-time
- TensorRT Converting
- Tensorflow docker serving
- Tensorflow
- Tensorflow-datasets
- Tensorflow-addons
- Tensorflow-serving
- Keras
- OpenCV python
- gRPC
1. Models
2. Dependencies
4. Train
5. Eval
6. Predict
These are the currently supported models and loss functions.
Regular additional updates will be made.
Lightweight EFF-DLV3+ | 20m | 1024x2048 | 30 | TODO |
DeepLabV3+ | 48m | 1024x2048 | TODO | TODO |
DDRNet-23-slim | 0.5m | 640x480 | 20ms | TODO |
Cross entropy loss | OK |
Focal cross entropy loss | OK |
Binary cross entropy loss | OK |
Focal binary cross entropy loss | OK |
Jaccard loss | TODO |
Dice loss | TODO |
The dependencies of this repository are:
OS | Ubuntu 18.04 |
TF version | 2.9.1 |
Python version | 3.8.13~ |
CUDA | 11.1~ |
CUDNN | cuDNN v8.1.0 , for CUDA 11.1 |
TensorRT version | |
Docker | Docker 20.10.17 |
Download the package from the Anaconda (miniconda) virtual environment for training and evaluation.
conda create -n envs_name python=3.8
pip install -r requirements.txt
The Dataset required by the program uses the Tensorflow Datasets library TFDS.
Custom data image labeling was done using a tool called CVAT (
After the labeling operation is completed, the export format of the dataset is created in CVAT as Segmentation mask 1.1 format.
You can check the RGB values for each class in labelmap.txt of the created dataset.
- How to Use?
- Label semantic data (mask) using CVAT tool
- Raw data augmentation
- Image shift
- Image blurring
- Image rotate
- Mask area image conversion..etc
First, for images without a foreground, CVAT does not automatically create a label. Assuming there is no foreground object as shown below, a zero label is created.
cd data_augmentation
Perform augmentation by specifying the path to the options below.
--rgb_path RGB_PATH raw image path
--mask_path MASK_PATH
raw mask path
--obj_mask_path OBJ_MASK_PATH
raw obj mask path
--label_map_path LABEL_MAP_PATH
CVAT's labelmap.txt path
--bg_path BG_PATH bg image path, Convert raw rgb image using mask area
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
Path to save the conversion result
You can choose which options to augment directly in main: at the bottom of the code. Modify this section to suit your preferred augmentation method.
We use the tensorflow datasets library to convert the generated semantic labels into format.
Move the augmented RGB image and semantic label saved image to the folder below.
└── dataset
├── rgb/ # RGB image.
| ├── image_1.png
| └── image_2.png
└── gt/ # Semantic label.
├── image_1_mask.png
└── image_2_output.png
Compress that directory to ''.
zip ./*
When the compression is complete, it should be set like the corresponding path.
├── rgb/ # RGB image.
| ├── image_1.png
| └── image_2.png
└── gt/ # Semantic label.
├── image_1_mask.png
└── image_2_output.png
Then, move after creating a folder structure like the one below.
Finally, build the dataset.
cd hole-detection/full_semantic/
tfds build
# if build is successfully
cd -r home/$USER/tensorflow_datasets/
cp full_semantic home/$USER/hole-detection/datasets/
The work output of basically consists of three paths: RGB, MASK, and VIS_MASK.
VIS_MASK is not a label to be actually used, it is for visual confirmation, so do not use it in the work below.
Because of memory allocation issues in before training, use TCMalloc to avoid memory leaks.
1. sudo apt-get install libtcmalloc-minimal4
2. dpkg -L libtcmalloc-minimal4
!! Remember the path of TCMalloc installed through #2
How to RUN?
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" python
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" python --multi_gpu
This repository supports training and inference in single-GPU and multi-GPU environments.
When using Single-GPU, you can set the GPU number and use it.
Take a look at --help and add the setting value required for training as an argument value.
Evaluate the accuracy of the model after training and compute the inference rate.
Calculation items: FLOPs, MIoU metric, Average inference time
python --checkpoint_dir='./checkpoints/' --weight_name='weight.h5'
If you want to check the inference result, add the --visualize argument.
Web-camera or stored video can be inferred in real time.
When video realtime inference
Web-cam realtime inference
If you want to check the inference result, add the --visualize argument.
Provides TF-TRT conversion function to enable high-speed inference. Install tensorRT before conversion.
The CUDA and CuDNN and TensorRT versions used based on the currently written code are as follows.
Click to go to the install link.
Skip if CUDA and CuDNN have been previously installed.
CUDA : CUDA 11.1
CuDNN : CuDNN 8.1.1
TensorRT : TensorRT
Activate the virtual environment. (If you do not use a virtual environment like Anaconda, omit it)
conda activate ${env_name}
Go to the directory where you installed TensorRT, unzip it and upgrade pip.
tar -xvzf TensorRT-
pip3 install --upgrade pip
Access the bash shell using an editor and add environment variables.
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/park/TensorRT-
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64:/home/park/TensorRT-"
Install the TensorRT Python package.
cd python
python3 -m pip install tensorrt-
cd ../uff/
python3 -m pip install uff-0.6.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd ../graphsurgeon
python3 -m pip install graphsurgeon-0.4.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd ../onnx_graphsurgeon
python3 -m pip install onnx_graphsurgeon-0.2.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Open Terminal and check if the installation was successful.
Pre-trained graph model (.pb) is required prior to TF-TRT transformation.
If you do not have a graph model, follow the procedure 7.3.1, if you do, skip to 7.3.2.
In this repository, if there are weights trained through, it provides a function to convert it to a graph model.
Enable graph saving mode with --saved_model argument in And it adds the path where the weights of the trained model are stored.
python --saved_model --saved_model_path='your_model_weights.h5'
The default saving path of the converted graph model is './checkpoints/export_path/1' .
If the (.pb) file exists, run the script below to perform the conversion.
python ...(argparse options)
Converting the model via the TensorRT engine. The engine is built based on a fixed input size, so check the --help argument before running the script.
The options below are provided.
Model input resolution (--image_size), .pb file directory path (input_saved_model_dir)
TensorRT converting model save path (output_saved_model_dir), Set converting floating point mode (floating_mode)
Provides the ability to serve pre-trained graph models (.pb) or models built with the TensorRT engine.
Tensorflow serving is a tool that provides inference services within a Docker virtual environment.
Before working, install Docker for the current operating system version. (
# Ubuntu 18.04 docker install
# 1. Preset
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
# 2. Add docker repository keys
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
# 3. Install
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
If you have Docker installation and model file ready, you can run it right away. Before running, look at the options to configure the Serving server.
docker run
--runtime=nvidia # Settings to use nvidia-gpu in docker
-t # Use tty
-p 8500:8500 # Port address to open in docker environment
--rm # Automatically delete docker containers when not in use
-v "model_path:/models/test_model2" {1}:{2} -> {1} is the path where the .pb file is located. {2} is the path where the model will be deployed in Docker (request request using the name test_model2)
-e MODEL_NAME=test_model2 # gRPC, model name to be called in REST API
-e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" # gpu number to use
-e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64:/usr/local/nvidia/lib:/usr/local/nvidia/lib64 # Specifying cuda-11.1 environment variables for building TensorRT engine (TensorRT engine
-e TF_TENSORRT_VERSION=7.2.2 tensorflow/serving:2.6.2-gpu # Set the TensorRT version and install the tensorflow-gpu version for that version
--port=8500 # Port number to use when serving (must be the same as Docker port setting)
Additional information can be found with the --help argument at the end of the command.
Please refer to for an example of accessing the Tensorflow-serving server and making an inference request.