All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v0.0.16 - 2025-XX-XX
v0.0.15 - 2025-02-09
- Option to select if non-deforming bones are exported.
v0.0.14 - 2025-02-03
- Option to specify export directory.
- Option to enable/disable exporting of all animations.
v0.0.13 - 2024-12-11
- Option to choose on which axis to distribute objects on.
- Default child name suffix from
. - Increased min and max sizes when distributing objects.
- Collections not being maintained when creating LODs or empty parents.
v0.0.12 - 2024-12-03
- Labels to operations for easier reading.
- Distribute objects operation will maintain Y and Z axis of selected objects.
- Some typos in tooltips.
v0.0.11 - 2024-09-28
- Bulk Export feature to work with armatures.
v0.0.10 - 2024-08-14
- Object distribution will sort objects by name before distributing.
- Distance not being used in object distribution.
v0.0.9 - 2024-08-05
- Increased UV quality.
v0.0.8 - 2024-08-05
- Operator to sort mesh faces by material.
v0.0.7 - 2024-08-05
- Smart UV project not selecting all quads.
v0.0.6 - 2024-08-05
- Operator to delete LODs.
v0.0.5 - 2024-08-05
- Parenting function is not applying a child's name.
- Data blocks not being removed when deleting LODs.
v0.0.4 - 2024-08-01
- Changed lightmap pack to smart UV project as lightmap pack causes leaks.
v0.0.3 - 2024-07-31
- Default lightmap UV margin to
v0.0.2 - 2024-07-31
- Option to create UVs with lightmap UV1.
v0.0.1 - 2024-07-30
- Distribute operator.
- Empty parent operator.
- Mesh name fixer/matcher operator.
- LOD creation operator.
- Bulk FBX export operator.