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API Documentation for Social Media Express Server


This documentation provides detailed information about the API endpoints for the social media server. The API is designed for interaction with users, posts, followRequests, comments, likes, notifications, and messaging functionalities.

Base URL

  • Base URL:

1. Authentication API


1. #

  • URL: /api/auth/#
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new user after validating input fields, ensuring the uniqueness of email and username. Passwords are hashed, a profile picture is generated, and a verification email is sent.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
userName String Unique username, must be lowercase and trimmed Yes
password String User's password (8-15 characters, trimmed) Yes
confirmPassword String Should match the password field Yes
email String User's email address, must be valid and unique Yes
gender String Gender of the user (male or female) Yes
fullName String Full name of the user, trimmed Yes


  "user": {
    "_id": "USER_ID",
    "email": "",
    "userName": "username",
    "fullName": "User FullName",
    "gender": "male / female",
    "profilePic": "ProfilePicURL",
    "isVerified": false,
    "followers": [],
    "followings": [],
    "posts": [],
    "likedPosts": [],
    "savedPosts": [],


2. Log In

- **URL:** `api/auth/#`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Logs in a user and returns a JWT token.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
userName String The username of the user, lowercase Yes
password String The password of the user (8-15 characters) Yes

### Response
  "user": {
    "_id": "USER_ID",
    "email": "",
    "userName": "username",
    "fullName": "User FullName",
    "gender": "male/female",
    "profilePic": "ProfilePicURL",
    "isVerified": "false / true",
    "isFrozen":"false / true",
    "followers": [],
    "followings": [],
    "posts": [],
    "likedPosts": [],
    "savedPosts": []


3. Log Out

- **URL:** `api/auth/logout`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Logs out the user.
- **Response:**
    "message": "Logged out successfully."

4. Verify Email

- **URL:** `/api/auth/verify-email`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Verifies the user’s email using a verification code. Updates the user's verification status if valid; returns an error if invalid or expired.


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
code String The verification token sent to the user's email Yes

- **Response:**
  - **Success:** User data including verification status.
  - **Error:** 
    - "Invalid or expired verificationToken"
    - "something went wrong in verification of user"

5. Forgot Password

- **URL:** `api/auth/forgot-password`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Sends a password reset link to the user's email.
- **Request Body:**
    "email": "string"
- **Response:**
    "message": "Password reset link sent to email."

6. Reset Password

- **URL:** `api/auth/reset-password/:token`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Resets the user's password using a reset token.
### Request Parameters

| Parameter | Type   | Description                              | Required |
| `token`   | String | The password reset token provided to the user | Yes      |

### Request Body Parameters

| Parameter  | Type   | Description                             | Required |
| `password` | String | The new password for the user (8-15 characters) | Yes      |

- **Response:**
    "message": "Password reset successfully."

2. User API


1. Get Suggested Users

  • URL: /api/user/suggested
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a list of users that the logged-in user does not follow.
  • Response:
           "_id": "userId1",
           "userName": "username1",
           "email": "",
           "profilePic": "URL to profile picture",
           // other public fields...
           "_id": "userId2",
           "userName": "username2",
           "email": "",
           "profilePic": "URL to profile picture",
           // other public fields...
       // other suggested users...

2. Get User Profile

  • URL: /api/user/profile/{userName}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: This controller fetches a user's profile based on their userName. It distinguishes between the logged-in user and other users, returning appropriate profile information while ensuring that sensitive fields are excluded.
  • Response:
       "userName": "exampleUser",
       "email": "",
       "posts": [...],
       "likedPosts": [...],
       "savedPosts": [...],
       // Other user details

3. Freeze Account

  • URL: /api/user/freeze
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Freezes the authenticated user’s account.
  • Response:
      "message": "Account frozen successfully."

4. Update User

  • URL: /api/user/update/{id}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Authentication: Required
  • Description: Updates user profile information for the user with the given ID.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
userName String The new username for the user (if updating). No
password String The new password for the user (if updating). No
fullName String The full name of the user (if updating). No
bio String A short biography of the user (if updating). No

  • Response
          "_id": "user_id",
          "userName": "newUserName",
          "fullName": "New Full Name",
          "bio": "Updated bio",
          "posts": [...],
          "likedPosts": [...],
          "savedPosts": [...],
          // Other user details

5. Unfollow User

  • URL: /api/user/unfollow/{id}
  • Method: POST
  • Authentication: Required
  • Description: Unfollows the user with the specified ID.
  • Response:
      "message": "User unfollowed successfully",
      "user": {
        "_id": "user_id",
        "userName": "updatedUserName",
        "fullName": "Updated Full Name",
        "bio": "Updated bio",
        "followings": [...],
        "followers": [...],
        // Other user details

3. Posts API


1. Get Feed Posts

  • URL: /api/post/feed
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all posts made by the current user and their followers.
  • Response:
       "posts": [
               "_id": "postId",
               "caption": "Post caption",
               "photoURL": "URL to post image",
               "owner": "userId",
               "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...],
               "comments": [
                       "userId": "userId",
                       "text": "Comment text",
                       "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic",
                       "userName": "User's name",
                       "createdAt": "timestamp"
                   // other comments...
               "createdAt": "timestamp",
               "updatedAt": "timestamp"
           // other posts...

2. Get Post by ID

  • URL: /api/post/{postId}
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves details of a specific post by its ID.
  • Response:
       "post": {
           "_id": "postId",
           "caption": "Post caption",
           "photoURL": "URL to post image",
           "owner": "userId",
           "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...],
           "comments": [
                   "userId": "userId",
                   "text": "Comment text",
                   "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic",
                   "userName": "User's name",
                   "createdAt": "timestamp"
               // other comments...
           "createdAt": "timestamp",
           "updatedAt": "timestamp"

3. Create Post

  • URL: /api/post/create
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Creates a new post for the authenticated user.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
caption String The text caption for the post (max 300 characters) Yes
postedBy String The ID of the user creating the post Yes
image String (Optional) Buffer of the image to be uploaded No

  • Response:
       "success": "Post Created Successfully",
       "loggedInUser": {
           "_id": "user-id",
           "posts": ["post-id-1", "post-id-2", ...],
       "post": {
           "_id": "post-id",
           "caption": "This is a sample caption",
           "photoURL": "optional-image-url",
           "owner": "user-id",
           "likes": [],
           "comments": [],
           "createdAt": "timestamp",
           "updatedAt": "timestamp"

4. Create Comment

  • URL: /api/post/comment
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Adds a comment to a post.
  • Request Body:
      "postId": "uuid",
      "text": "string"
  • Response:
       "_id": "postId",
       "caption": "Post caption",
       "photoURL": "URL to post image",
       "owner": "userId",
       "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...],
       "comments": [
               "userId": "userId",
               "text": "This is a comment.",
               "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic",
               "userName": "User's name",
               "createdAt": "timestamp"
           // other comments...
       "createdAt": "timestamp",
       "updatedAt": "timestamp"

5. Like Post

  • URL: /api/post/like/{postId}
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Likes or unlikes a post by the logged-in user. If the post is already liked, it will be unliked.
  • Response:
       "loggedInUser": {
           "_id": "user-id",
           "likedPosts": ["post-id-1", "post-id-2", ...],
       "post": {
           "_id": "post-id",
           "caption": "This is a sample caption",
           "photoURL": "optional-image-url",
           "owner": "user-id",
           "likes": ["user-id-1", "user-id-2", ...],
           "comments": [],
           "createdAt": "timestamp",
           "updatedAt": "timestamp"

6. Save Post

  • URL: /api/post/save/:postId
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Saves or unsaves a post for the logged-in user. If the post is already saved, it will be unsaved.
  • Response:
       "loggedInUser": {
         "_id": "userId",
         "savedPosts": ["postId1", "postId2", ...],
         // other user fields...

7. Delete Post

  • URL: /api/post/delete/{postId}
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Deletes a post if the logged-in user is the owner of the post
  • Response:
      "message": "Post deleted successfully."

4. Follow Requests API


1. Get All Follow Requests

  • URL: /api/request/
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all follow requests for the authenticated user.
  • Response:
         "_id": "request-id",
         "from": "user-id-of-sender",
         "to": "user-id-of-recipient",
         "status": "pending/accepted/rejected",

2. Send Follow Request

  • URL: /api/request/send
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Sends a follow request from the current user to another user. If a follow request already exists, it is removed.
  • Request Body:
      "receiverId": "uuid"

1. When the request is sent successfully:

  "message": "request sent successfully!!",
  "request": {
    "_id": "request-id",
    "from": "user-id-of-sender",
    "to": "user-id-of-recipient",
    "status": "pending",
    "createdAt": "timestamp",
    "updatedAt": "timestamp"

2. When the request is removed successfully

       "message": "Follow removed successfully."

3. Accept Follow Request

  • URL: /api/request/accept
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Accepts a follow request.
  • Request Body:
      "requestId": "uuid"
  • Response:
      "message": "Follow request accepted."

4. Reject Follow Request

  • URL: /api/request/reject
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Rejects a follow request.
  • Request Body:
      "requestId": "uuid"
  • Response:
      "message": "Follow request rejected."

5. Notifications API


1. Get All Notifications

  • URL: /api/notification
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all notifications for the authenticated user.
  • Response:
        "notificationId": "uuid",
        "read": "boolean",
        "created_at": "timestamp"

2. Mark All Notifications as Read

  • URL: /api/notification
  • Method: PATCH
  • Description: Marks all notifications as read for the authenticated user.
  • Response:
      "message": "All notifications marked as read."

3. Delete All Notifications

  • URL: /api/notification
  • Method: DELETE
  • Description: Deletes all notifications for the authenticated user.
  • Response:
      "message": "All notifications deleted successfully."

6. Chat API


1. Send Message

  • URL: /api/chat/message
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Sends a message from one user to another. If there is no existing conversation between the sender and receiver, a new conversation is created.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
message String The message content, trimmed Yes
recieverId String The ID of the user receiving the message Yes
img String (Optional) Image Buffer to be sent with the message No

  • Response:
       "_id": "message-id",
       "senderId": "sender-id",
       "conversationId": "conversation-id",
       "message": "Message content",
       "img": "Image URL (if any)",
       "seen": false,
       "createdAt": "timestamp",
       "updatedAt": "timestamp"

2. Get All Messages with a User

  • URL: /api/chat/:receiverId
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves all messages exchanged between the authenticated user and a specified user (receiverId).
  • Response:
       "messages": [
           "_id": "message-id",
           "senderId": "sender-id",
           "conversationId": "conversation-id",
           "message": "Message content",
           "img": "Image URL (if any)",
           "seen": false,
           "createdAt": "timestamp",
           "updatedAt": "timestamp"

3. Get All Conversations

  • URL: /api/chat/
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all conversations the authenticated user is part of.
  • Response:
         "_id": "conversation-id",
         "participants": [
         "createdAt": "timestamp",
         "updatedAt": "timestamp"