This documentation provides detailed information about the API endpoints for the social media server. The API is designed for interaction with users, posts, followRequests, comments, likes, notifications, and messaging functionalities.
- Base URL:
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Registers a new user after validating input fields, ensuring the uniqueness of email and username. Passwords are hashed, a profile picture is generated, and a verification email is sent.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
userName |
String | Unique username, must be lowercase and trimmed | Yes |
password |
String | User's password (8-15 characters, trimmed) | Yes |
confirmPassword |
String | Should match the password field |
Yes |
email |
String | User's email address, must be valid and unique | Yes |
gender |
String | Gender of the user (male or female ) |
Yes |
fullName |
String | Full name of the user, trimmed | Yes |
"user": {
"_id": "USER_ID",
"email": "",
"userName": "username",
"fullName": "User FullName",
"gender": "male / female",
"profilePic": "ProfilePicURL",
"isVerified": false,
"followers": [],
"followings": [],
"posts": [],
"likedPosts": [],
"savedPosts": [],
- **URL:** `api/auth/#`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Logs in a user and returns a JWT token.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
userName |
String | The username of the user, lowercase | Yes |
password |
String | The password of the user (8-15 characters) | Yes |
### Response
"user": {
"_id": "USER_ID",
"email": "",
"userName": "username",
"fullName": "User FullName",
"gender": "male/female",
"profilePic": "ProfilePicURL",
"isVerified": "false / true",
"isFrozen":"false / true",
"followers": [],
"followings": [],
"posts": [],
"likedPosts": [],
"savedPosts": []
- **URL:** `api/auth/logout`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Logs out the user.
- **Response:**
"message": "Logged out successfully."
- **URL:** `/api/auth/verify-email`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Verifies the user’s email using a verification code. Updates the user's verification status if valid; returns an error if invalid or expired.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
code |
String | The verification token sent to the user's email | Yes |
- **Response:**
- **Success:** User data including verification status.
- **Error:**
- "Invalid or expired verificationToken"
- "something went wrong in verification of user"
- **URL:** `api/auth/forgot-password`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Sends a password reset link to the user's email.
- **Request Body:**
"email": "string"
- **Response:**
"message": "Password reset link sent to email."
- **URL:** `api/auth/reset-password/:token`
- **Method:** `POST`
- **Description:** Resets the user's password using a reset token.
### Request Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| `token` | String | The password reset token provided to the user | Yes |
### Request Body Parameters
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
| `password` | String | The new password for the user (8-15 characters) | Yes |
- **Response:**
"message": "Password reset successfully."
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves a list of users that the logged-in user does not follow.
- Response:
[ { "_id": "userId1", "userName": "username1", "email": "", "profilePic": "URL to profile picture", // other public fields... }, { "_id": "userId2", "userName": "username2", "email": "", "profilePic": "URL to profile picture", // other public fields... } // other suggested users... ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: This controller fetches a user's profile based on their
. It distinguishes between the logged-in user and other users, returning appropriate profile information while ensuring that sensitive fields are excluded. - Response:
{ "userName": "exampleUser", "email": "", "posts": [...], "likedPosts": [...], "savedPosts": [...], // Other user details }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Freezes the authenticated user’s account.
- Response:
{ "message": "Account frozen successfully." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Authentication: Required
- Description: Updates user profile information for the user with the given ID.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
userName |
String | The new username for the user (if updating). | No |
password |
String | The new password for the user (if updating). | No |
fullName |
String | The full name of the user (if updating). | No |
bio |
String | A short biography of the user (if updating). | No |
- Response
{ "_id": "user_id", "userName": "newUserName", "fullName": "New Full Name", "bio": "Updated bio", "posts": [...], "likedPosts": [...], "savedPosts": [...], // Other user details }
- URL:
- Method:
- Authentication: Required
- Description: Unfollows the user with the specified ID.
- Response:
{ "message": "User unfollowed successfully", "user": { "_id": "user_id", "userName": "updatedUserName", "fullName": "Updated Full Name", "bio": "Updated bio", "followings": [...], "followers": [...], // Other user details } }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all posts made by the current user and their followers.
- Response:
{ "posts": [ { "_id": "postId", "caption": "Post caption", "photoURL": "URL to post image", "owner": "userId", "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...], "comments": [ { "userId": "userId", "text": "Comment text", "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic", "userName": "User's name", "createdAt": "timestamp" }, // other comments... ], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" }, // other posts... ] }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves details of a specific post by its ID.
- Response:
{ "post": { "_id": "postId", "caption": "Post caption", "photoURL": "URL to post image", "owner": "userId", "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...], "comments": [ { "userId": "userId", "text": "Comment text", "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic", "userName": "User's name", "createdAt": "timestamp" }, // other comments... ], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" } }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Creates a new post for the authenticated user.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
caption |
String | The text caption for the post (max 300 characters) | Yes |
postedBy |
String | The ID of the user creating the post | Yes |
image |
String | (Optional) Buffer of the image to be uploaded | No |
- Response:
{ "success": "Post Created Successfully", "loggedInUser": { "_id": "user-id", "posts": ["post-id-1", "post-id-2", ...], ... }, "post": { "_id": "post-id", "caption": "This is a sample caption", "photoURL": "optional-image-url", "owner": "user-id", "likes": [], "comments": [], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" } }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Adds a comment to a post.
- Request Body:
{ "postId": "uuid", "text": "string" }
- Response:
{ "_id": "postId", "caption": "Post caption", "photoURL": "URL to post image", "owner": "userId", "likes": ["userId1", "userId2", ...], "comments": [ { "userId": "userId", "text": "This is a comment.", "userProfilePic": "URL to user's profile pic", "userName": "User's name", "createdAt": "timestamp" }, // other comments... ], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Likes or unlikes a post by the logged-in user. If the post is already liked, it will be unliked.
- Response:
{ "loggedInUser": { "_id": "user-id", "likedPosts": ["post-id-1", "post-id-2", ...], ... }, "post": { "_id": "post-id", "caption": "This is a sample caption", "photoURL": "optional-image-url", "owner": "user-id", "likes": ["user-id-1", "user-id-2", ...], "comments": [], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" } }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Saves or unsaves a post for the logged-in user. If the post is already saved, it will be unsaved.
- Response:
{ "loggedInUser": { "_id": "userId", "savedPosts": ["postId1", "postId2", ...], // other user fields... } }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes a post if the logged-in user is the owner of the post
- Response:
{ "message": "Post deleted successfully." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all follow requests for the authenticated user.
- Response:
[ { "_id": "request-id", "from": "user-id-of-sender", "to": "user-id-of-recipient", "status": "pending/accepted/rejected", }, ... ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Sends a follow request from the current user to another user. If a follow request already exists, it is removed.
- Request Body:
{ "receiverId": "uuid" }
"message": "request sent successfully!!",
"request": {
"_id": "request-id",
"from": "user-id-of-sender",
"to": "user-id-of-recipient",
"status": "pending",
"createdAt": "timestamp",
"updatedAt": "timestamp"
"message": "Follow removed successfully."
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Accepts a follow request.
- Request Body:
{ "requestId": "uuid" }
- Response:
{ "message": "Follow request accepted." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Rejects a follow request.
- Request Body:
{ "requestId": "uuid" }
- Response:
{ "message": "Follow request rejected." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all notifications for the authenticated user.
- Response:
[ { "notificationId": "uuid", "reciever":"uuid", "type":"requestAccepted/like/comment", "read": "boolean", "created_at": "timestamp" } ]
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Marks all notifications as read for the authenticated user.
- Response:
{ "message": "All notifications marked as read." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Deletes all notifications for the authenticated user.
- Response:
{ "message": "All notifications deleted successfully." }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Sends a message from one user to another. If there is no existing conversation between the sender and receiver, a new conversation is created.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
message |
String | The message content, trimmed | Yes |
recieverId |
String | The ID of the user receiving the message | Yes |
img |
String | (Optional) Image Buffer to be sent with the message | No |
- Response:
{ "_id": "message-id", "senderId": "sender-id", "conversationId": "conversation-id", "message": "Message content", "img": "Image URL (if any)", "seen": false, "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves all messages exchanged between the authenticated user and a specified user (receiverId).
- Response:
{ "messages": [ { "_id": "message-id", "senderId": "sender-id", "conversationId": "conversation-id", "message": "Message content", "img": "Image URL (if any)", "seen": false, "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" }, ... ] }
- URL:
- Method:
- Description: Retrieves a list of all conversations the authenticated user is part of.
- Response:
[ { "_id": "conversation-id", "participants": [ "user-id-1", "user-id-2" ], "createdAt": "timestamp", "updatedAt": "timestamp" }, ... ]