This program is designed to provide a library for point cloud ground filtering. The current inherited method is only CSF. For the detailed description of the CSF method, please refer to the following paper.
W.Zhang, J.Qi*, P.Wan, H.Wang, D.Xie, X.Wang, and G.Yan,
“An Easy-to-Use Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Method Based on Cloth Simulation,”
Remote Sens., vol.8, no.6, p.501,2016. (
In the development of our package, we reference to CSF(
A third-party library is required to run this program:
- Ubuntu and ROS( pcl_ros、tf、sensor_msgs)
- Eigen3
- PCL1.8
- JsonCpp
Clont the repository and make:
git clone ground_filter
cd ground_filter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
source build/devel/setup.bash
cd launch
roslaunch offline.launch
- The package name in the offline.launch needs to be specified as yours.
- When using, you need to adjust the parameters in the config/*.json to suit your lidar