This repository provides the template interface for computational neuroscience course project, Department of Statistics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, University of Tehran.
Use your GitHub accounts to fork the project template and get started with it. It is recommended to make one if you do not have any, however, you can still clone the source and work locally. To clone the project, use:
git clone
python 3.8+
pytorch 1.7.1
matplotlib 3.3.4
sphinx 3.5.1 (only if you want to add documentation)
We have provided an environment.yml
file for your convenience. You can use it
with anaconda as follows:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Note: You should add your additional plotting libraries to the environment.
The goal of this project is to implement the basics of a spiking neural network and deepen your knowledge on them. By completing this project, you will have a simple framework for implementing spiking neural networks.
The project is divided into multiple phases. In each phase, you will complete some part of this template. Follow the phases in order and complete the tasks. The packages and/or modules to be modified are mentioned in each phase's directives. Make sure to read the documentation of the module(s) before getting started.