###Ransack to SQL, parser for Golang
Gransak was born for the need of a replacement for ransack. This was because we needed a way to keep the searching functionality of a previous Rails app we were migrating to Golang and we found no similar library.
So we decided to create a library to transform a ransak like string to a Sql statement an be able to use it in a normal query to a database using golang. We also found useful to generate only the 'WERE' part of the query to be able to use it with gorm
(https://github.com/jinzhu/gorm) e.g.
query, params := Gransak.ToSql(ransakQuery)
db.Were(query, params).Find(&users)
or in the traditional way:
db.Query(quey, params...)
Download the repository with:
go get github.com/crowdint/gransak
Then include the project inside your project like this:
import "github.com/crowdint/gransak"
##What it does
Currently gransak transforms a ransack like string into a sql 'where' statement e.g.
package main
import (
. "github.com/crowdint/gransak"
func main() {
sql, params := Gransak.ToSql("user_name_eq", "cone")
fmt.Printf("query-> %s, params-> %v", sql, params)
//prints: query-> user_name = ?, params-> [cone]
Also it can generate the complete statement if a table name is specified e.g.
sql, _ = Gransak.Table("users").ToSql("user_name_eq", "cone")
//returns: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = ?
//parameters: [cone]
Returns an SQL statement. It takes the ransak query string and the value as parameters.
sql, params = Gransak.ToSql("user_name_eq", "cone")
//returns: user_name = ?
//parameters: [cone]
Resturns an SQL statement. It gets the query strings from a http.Request struct.
func Handler(w http.ResponseWritter, r *http.Request){
//request: http://someurl/params?q[user_name_eq]=cone
sql, _ = Gransak.FromRequest(r)
//returns: user_name = ?
//parameters: [cone]
We can chain several statements too.
func Handler(w http.ResponseWritter, r *http.Request){
//request: http://someurl/params?q[user_name_eq]=cone&q[role_cont]=admin
sql, _ = Gransak.FromRequest(r)
//returns: user_name = ? AND role LIKE ?
//parameters: [cone %admin%]
Returns an SQL statement. It gets the query strings from an url.Values struct.
func Handler(w http.ResponseWritter, r *http.Request){
//request: http://someurl/params?q[user_name_eq]=cone
values := r.URL.Query()
sql, _ = Gransak.FromUrlValues(values)
//returns: user_name = ?
//parameters: [cone]
Changes the type of placeholder used e.g. "?" for MySQL or "$[n]" for PostgreSql.
At this moment Gransak doesn't support associations
##Searching operations currently supported
In the following examples the placeholders have been substituted by the parameter value for a better visualization.
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_or_last_name_cont", "cone")
//returns: first_name LIKE '%cone%' OR last_name LIKE '%cone%'
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_and_last_name_cont", "cone")
//returns: first_name LIKE '%cone%' AND last_name LIKE '%cone%'
###cont (and its opposite 'not_cont')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_cont", "cone")
//returns: first_name LIKE '%cone%'
###matches (and its opposite 'does_not_match')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_matches", "cone")
//returns: first_name LIKE 'cone'
###lt (and its opposite 'gt')
Gransak.ToSql("age_lt", 30)
//returns: age < 30
###lteq (and its opposite 'gteq')
Gransak.ToSql("age_lteq", 30)
//returns: age <= 30
###eq (and its opposite 'not_eq')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_eq", "cone")
//returns: first_name = 'cone'
Gransak.ToSql("age_eq", 29)
//returns: age = 29
###start (and its opposite 'not_start')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_start", "co")
//returns: first_name LIKE 'co%'
###end (and its opposite 'not_end')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_end", "ne")
//returns: first_name LIKE '%ne'
###true (and its opposite 'not_true')
Gransak.ToSql("is_available", "1")
//returns: is_available = 't'
###false (and its opposite 'not_false')
Gransak.ToSql("is_available", "1")
//returns: is_available = 'f'
###present (and its opposite 'blank')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_present", "1")
//returns: first_name IS NOT NULL AND first_name <> ''
###null (and its opposite 'not_null')
Gransak.ToSql("first_name_null", "1")
//returns: first_name IS NULL
###in (and its opposite 'not_in')
Gransak.ToSql("age_in", "27..30")
//returns: age IN (27,28,29,30)
Gransak.ToSql("age_in", "[27,28,29,30]")
//returns: age IN (27,28,29,30)
Gransak.ToSql("age_in", []int{27,28,29,30})
//returns: age IN (27,28,29,30)
###cont_any (and its opposite 'not_cont_any')
Gransak.ToSql("user_role_cont_any", "%w(admin developer)")
//returns: user_role LIKE '%admin%' OR user_role LIKE '%developer%'
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git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
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