Fast indexing engine for data identified by hashed id and stored in an immutable file
This is the Go implementation of the Treee™ indexing engine. It's both a library to use as a module in your Go projects and an executable to run as a micro-service over HTTP.
The challenge was to set up a powerful and safe search engine to use when the data is some linked list of items that could be themselves connected to each other in subchains, indexed through their identifiers that are only made of hashed values (like SHA-256 string representations), and all stored in an immutable file.
Its best application is for a Blockchain file where an item is a transaction embedding a smart contract, and each subchain of items the subsequent uses and/or modifications of this smart contract. As such, the Treee™ index is currently used in the Rooot™ blockchain.
We define here an algorithm for indexing the system based on identifiers that are hashed values which is at the same time very powerful to the writing and the reading.
The Treee™ index is constructed as an acyclic graph (a tree). Each node contains either the node address (its sons) or a set of Leafs, a Leaf corresponding to the information helping to retrieve one or more linked items.
The number of sons of a node is deterministic and depends on the depth of the tree. We denote by the number of sons of the nodes at depth 1,
the number of sons of the nodes at depth 2, ...,
the number of sons at depth
The goal is to create a balanced tree whose width is adaptive to decrease depth and optimize performance. We are looking to index numbers, in this case the numerical value of the items' unique identifiers.
Let's explain the course of the index.
For the binary tree, we write the number in binary form (for example,
) which indicates its position in the tree.
At the step , we pass to the child
if the
bit is
, otherwise we pass to the child if the
bit is
. We stop when the node is a Leaf.
For the tree, we build a representation of this number by a sequence of numbers and we traverse the tree in the same way. At the step of depth
, we pass to the child
if the
representative is
, we pass to the child if the
representative is
, ..., we pass to the child if the
representative is
. We stop when the node is a Leaf.
To construct the representation of a number, we will successively take the modulo of prime numbers. According to the theorem of the Chinese remains, each number has a unique representative that could be written as the continuation of these modulos. Indeed, a number can be written in the following form:
The value of the identifier of the item (its number) is denoted and the modulating number
. Modulos are calculated in
for fixed-sized integers. Since the multiplication is faster than the division (necessary for the calculation of the modulo), one can use multiplications by means of floating:
Given the random nature of the numbers (or pseudo-random, since the identifiers of the items are generated by cryptographic hashing technologies), the tree is balanced. To unbalance the tree in a malicious way, it would be necessary to be able to generate hashes whose modulo follows a particular trajectory. However, the difficulty of such an operation increases exponentially (of the order of where
is the depth).
As a reminder, the product of the first 16 prime numbers equals
Therefore, as soon as the index contains a reasonably large amount of data, unbalancing the tree in a malicious way would become more and more impossible, if at all possible.
A Leaf contains the following list of information about an item:
- Identifier of the current item as a hash string;
- Position: start address of the current item in the file;
- Size: the size (in bytes) of the saved item in the file;
- Origin: unique identifier of the item that is at the origin of the item's subchain;
- Previous: unique identifier of the previous item chained to it;
- Next: optionally, unique identifier of the next item chained.
A Leaf whose next item field is empty is the last item in the subchain.
A Leaf whose origin item field is equal to the identifier of the current item is necessarily the origin of the subchain. As such, it has a particular operating since, if there were to be one or more items thereafter, the last item of the subchain will be identified here as the previous item. The last three fields of the Leaf therefore correspond to a circular linked list.
To add an element to the index:
- The new Leaf is written in the index;
- We update the 'Next' field of the Leaf that previously corresponded to the last item of the subchain;
- We modify the 'Previous' field of the Leaf of the original item by writing the identifier of the current item.
To read/search an item in the index:
- We find in the tree the Leaf corresponding to the identifier of the searched item:
- If the 'Next' field of the Leaf is empty, this is the last item of the subchain;
- Otherwise, we go to the next step;
- We find the Leaf corresponding to the identifier of the field 'Origin';
- We use the 'Previous' field of this Leaf to find the last item of the subchain.
When using the index, we can seen that we would perform at most 3 reads or 3 writes and index runs of order, where
is the number of items in the index.
For more details, feel free to read the full white paper.
$ go get
import (
// Instantiate default index (could be any prime number up to the 1000th existing prime number,
// but should be much lower to better leverage the solution, and if 0 will use the default INIT_PRIME value)
treee, err := index.New(index.INIT_PRIME)
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Add to index
leaf := branch.Leaf{
ID: model.Hash("1234567890abcdef"),
Position: 0,
Size: 100,
err = treee.Add(leaf)
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Search
if found, err := treee.Search(leaf.ID); err == nil {
// Do something with found Leaf
For better performance, you should put your search requests in different goroutines (see GetLeaf()
implementation in api/handlers/leaf.go file for example).
For debugging or storage purposes, you might want to use the PrintAll()
method on the Treee
index to print all recorded leaves to a writer (passing it true
as argument for beautifying the printed JSON, or false
for the raw string).
// To print to Stdout
Persistence of the index is achieved through the use of the automatic save made upon insertion, and the use of the Load()
function instead of Treee instantiation with New()
at start-up.
treee, err := index.Load("path/to/treee.json") // If empty, will use "./saved/treee.json"
It could be disabled using the corresponding environment variable or flag in the command line, or even programmatically:
treee.UsePersistence(false) // If you're positive you don't want it
You can simply build the executable and start an instance of the Treee™ indexing engine.
$ git clone && cd treee && go build
$ ./treee -t.port 7001 localhost -t.init 101
Usage of ./treee:
-t.file string
File path to an existing index string
Host address (default "")
-t.init string
Initial prime number to use for the index (default "0")
Activate persistence (default true)
-t.port string
HTTP port number (default "7000")
If set, the following environment variables will override any corresponding default configuration or flag passed with the command line:
: the host address;HTTP_PORT
: the HTTP port number to use;INDEX_PATH
: the path to the index file in JSON format;INIT_PRIME
: the initial prime number (note that it won't have any effect if using a file because the latter will prevail);USE_PERSISTENCE
: setfalse
to disable the use of saving the index into a file.
The following endpoints are available under the /api
DELETE /leaf
This endpoint removes the passed items from the index.
It expects an array of IDs as ids
query argument, eg.
DELETE /api/leaf?ids=1235467890abcdef[...]&ids=fedcba0987654321[...]
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT)
Accept-Language: fr-FR
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: application/json
It returns a 204
status code if all passed items were removed, or a 200
status code along with the following json list of undeleted IDs if some weren't removed:
"ids": ["fedcba0987654321[...]"]
GET /leaf
This endpoint searches items based on the passed IDs.
It expects an array of IDs as ids
query argument and an optional takeLast
boolean (default to false
), eg. http://localhost:7000/api/leaf?ids=1234567890abcdef[...]&ids=fedcba0987654321[...]&takeLast=true
It returns a status code 200
along with a JSON object respecting the following format:
"id": "1234567890abcdef[...]",
"position": 0,
"size": 100,
"origin": "1234567890abcdef[...]",
"previous": "1234567890abcdef[...]",
"next": ""
In case no item were found, it returns a 404
status code with an empty body.
GET /line
This endpoint returns all the IDs in the same subchain/line.
It expects any ID of a line as id
query argument, eg. http://localhost:7000/api/line?id=1234567890abcdef[...]
It returns a status code 200
long with the following JSON sorted array of IDs (index 0
being the origin):
In case no item were found, it returns a 404
status code with an empty body.
POST /leaf
This endpoint adds an item to the index.
It expects the following JSON object as body, the first three fields being mandatory:
"id": "<The item ID as a hash string representation>",
"position": 0,
"size": 100,
"previous": "<An optional item ID of the previous item in the current subchain if any>"
It returns a status code and the following object as JSON:
"code": 200 | 303 | 400 | 404 | 412 | 500,
"result": "<The inserted item ID if success>",
"error": "<The error message if failed>"
The list of status codes (and their meaning) is as follows:
: item inserted;303
: item already exists (not updated as the file is supposed to be immutable);400
: wrong parameter (missing item, missing mandatory field, etc.);404
: passed previous item not found;412
: something in the passed data caused the server to fail (incorrect JSON format, ...);500
: an error occurred on the server.
In average, a basic machine should be able to ingest over 100 millions new records and handle about 5 billions search queries per hour.
As an example, on an Apple MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz Intel Core i9 with 16 Go DDR4 RAM clocked at 2400 MHz, I observed the following performances when using 101
as init prime:
- insertion: 10,000 additions in ~300ms (120 millions per hour);
- search: 1,000,000 requests in ~500ms, ie. approx. 2 MHz (over 7 billions per hour).
And on an Apple iMac 3.1 Ghz Intel Core i5 with 16 Go DDR4 RAM clocked at 2667 MHz also using
as init prime: - insertion: 10,000 additions in ~240ms (150 millions per hour);
- search: 1,000,000 requests in ~750ms, ie. approx. 1.3 MHz (over 4.8 billions per hour).
This module is distributed under a MIT license.
See the LICENSE file.
© 2018-2025 Cyril Dever. All rights reserved.