Welcome to the repository for the Android Programming Assignment. This project is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of Android application development, showcasing various features and functionalities.
The repository includes a range of files, from Java source files to Android resource files, which collectively make up the Android application. Here's an overview of the key components:
Java Source Files: Contains the main logic of the application. Key files include:
- MainActivity.java
- ChatWindow.java
- LoginActivity.java
- and others in the
Layout XML Files: Define the UI of the application. Examples include:
- activity_main.xml
- activity_login.xml
- activity_chat_window.xml
- and more in the
Drawable Resources: Contains images and other graphical resources.
Gradle Scripts: For building and managing dependencies.
To get started with this project:
- Clone the repository.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build the project and run it on an emulator or a physical device.