Sorry, too many things to maintain. Use at your own risk.
A C++ version of the Baxter SDK that works along side the Rethink SDK. This is the base package that contains a ros_control implementation of the Baxter controllers, and it is intended to run on Baxter itself
- Baxter ros_control position, velocity, or torque trajectory controllers
- Uses the ros_control joint_trajectory_controller instead of the python trajectory controller that comes with the SDK
- A Baxter with dual parallel electric grippers with SDK v1.0.0 installed
Two options of where to setup baxter_cpp
Option 1: SSH into Baxter
Install other software tools if desired - see section "Installing Other Software on Baxter"
Install missing depenencies for Groovy (this is only if running on Baxter itself)
- xacro
- cmake_modules -b master
- control_toolbox -b indigo-devel
- realtime_tools -b indigo-devel
- control_msgs -b indigo-devel
- wstool
Option 2: Install on developer machine
Just continue on...
Create a catkin workspace if you don't already have one (we recommend a separate one for Baxter)
mkdir -p ~/ros/ws_baxter/src cd ~/ros/ws_baxter/src wstool init .
Install these baxter_ssh packages: Note: replaces Rethink's baxter_common with a version that has parallel electric end effectors modeled
wstool merge --merge-replace -y
Download the Baxter packages:
wstool update
cd .. catkin_make
Power on baxter and SSH in
Bringup ros_control controllers - starts a position-based trajectory controller. See Hardware Control Modes for other control modes
roslaunch baxter_control baxter_hardware.launch
This Baxter repository uses ros_control to send trajectories to Baxter via the joint_trajectory_controller. Trajectories can be executed on Baxter in either position mode or velocity mode. You can easily switch between the two - both are loaded at startup but position is started by default:
Position Control
Load the position controllers (not loaded by default)
rosrun controller_manager spawner --stopped position_joint_mode_controller left_position_trajectory_controller right_position_trajectory_controller --namespace /robot &
Start the position controllers and stop the velocity controllers
rosservice call /robot/controller_manager/switch_controller "{start_controllers: ['position_joint_mode_controller','left_position_trajectory_controller','right_position_trajectory_controller'], stop_controllers: ['velocity_joint_mode_controller','left_velocity_trajectory_controller','right_velocity_trajectory_controller'], strictness: 2}"
Plot position error of position-based trajectory controller
roslaunch baxter_control joint_position_left_trajectory_controller.launch roslaunch baxter_control joint_position_right_trajectory_controller.launch
Velocity Control
rosservice call /robot/controller_manager/switch_controller "{start_controllers: ['velocity_joint_mode_controller','left_velocity_trajectory_controller','right_velocity_trajectory_controller'], stop_controllers: ['position_joint_mode_controller','left_position_trajectory_controller','right_position_trajectory_controller'], strictness: 2}"
Plot position error of velocity-based trajectory controller
roslaunch baxter_control joint_velocity_left_trajectory_controller.launch roslaunch baxter_control joint_velocity_right_trajectory_controller.launch
Torque Control
- Rectangular button: close end effector
- Circular button: open end effector
- Left shoulder button: enable Baxter
- Right shoulder button: disable Baxter
Some helpful notes for setting up your Baxter to be more useful. Its suggested you place all software in a folder software
cd ~
mkdir software
wget SOME-MIRROR/emacs-24.3.tar.xz
tar xvfJ emacs-24.3.tar.xz
cd emacs-24.3
./configure --with-gif=no
Add to PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ruser/software/emacs-24.3/lib-src/
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ruser/software/emacs-24.3/src/
tar xvfz colordiff-1.0.13.tar.gz
cd colordiff-1.0.13
mkdir ~/bin ~/man ~/etc
Edit Makefile to say first three lines:
Install - The script will complain about changing ownership of colordiffrc - ignore the error.
make install
Add to PATH in .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/ruser/bin
First edit your .bashrc and add:
export PYTHONPATH="/home/ruser/bin/catkin_tools/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH"
Source your .bashrc then
cd ~/ros
git clone
cd catkin_tools/
python install --prefix ~/bin/catkin_tools
BSD (New BSD License)
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