- Each study diagram or game is a fully encapsulated html file.
- All files in base directory
- Each study or game is focused on single topic
- index.html: and links to all games / files
- skinny_skel.css: structural css for all files
- colors.js: color palettes with picker functions
- quotes.json: quotes for memory games
- Memorizinator.html
- Typer.html
- What are the primary words that appear in this section?
- How does this chapter cross reference to the rest of the Bible?
- What type of words are in the chapter (nouns, adjectives/adverbs, verbs, pronouns, etc)
- How do the words relate to each other (by proximity)
- Do these words appear elsewhere in the Bible?
- How does this version compare to other versions?
- Could I summarize that in text?
- NLP: Find other verses that have high similarity in text overlap?
- How is this word actually translated?
- Force Diagram: node size = word frequency; node color = word type; link length = shorter for more proximate words
- Force Diagram: begin with Greed word; node size = word frequency in Bible; links to English translations of that word; then links to Greek / Hebrew translations of that word; node color = word type (verb, noun, etc)
- Chord Diagram: Bible, relates words to other places in Bible these words are found
- Chord Diagram: Bible, relates TSK cross references
- Finding Similar Items: http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/mmds/ch3.pdf *