This repository contains Dockerfile and assets for images that are published to
The source code for these docker images is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, but you are welcome to use the images hosted at for commercial purposes.
This image comes with default configuration which accepts any user with password pass
. To persist data, mount /srv/mail
You can also mount extra configuration to override the default settings to /etc/dovecot/conf.d
TLS certificates go to /etc/dovecot/ssl
, and by default full-chain certificate filename is tls.crt
and private key file is tls.key
To run read-only, remember to mount tmpfs to /tmp
and /run
, and persistent data storage to /srv/vmail
If you want to run without any extra linux capabilities, set chroot=
to services imap-login
, pop3-login
, submission-login
and managesieve-login
- POP3 on 31110, TLS 31995 (needs config file to enable, disabled by default)
- IMAP on 31143, TLS 31993
- Submission on 31587
- LMTPS on 31024
- ManageSieve on 34190
- HTTP API on 8080
- Metrics on 9090
This image comes with default configuration which accepts any user with password pass. To customize the image, mount /etc/dovecot and /srv/mail volumes.
- POP3 on 110, TLS 995
- IMAP on 143, TLS 993
- Submission on 587
- LMTP on 24
- ManageSieve on 4190
To run these images, simply use docker run dovecot/dovecot:version
From 2.3.20+ you can also mount /etc/dovecot/conf.d with configuration files, that are going to get read by Dovecot. You can use these to overwrite or add settings. Files must end in .conf.
Note that these images come with absolutely no warranty or support. For questions and feedback send email to