Waypoints allows you to quickly move through directories while in the terminal. This is done by allowing the user to create waypoints, waypoints are basically bookmarks. Users assgin a waypoint an alias and the alias allows you quickly move to that waypoint.
List all the waypoints you have created.
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ wp list
way-points: (total 0)
Add a waypoint. the supcommand add takes two arguments, the waypoint name and direcotry(wp add <NAME> <DIRECTORY>).
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ wp add ways .
creating way-point ways
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ wp list
way-points: (total 1)
ways /home/drjoliv/projects/waypoints
Usign a waypoint. No subcommand is need to use a waypoint jsut the name of the waypoint(wp <NAME>).
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ cd ~/
drjoliv@mango:~$ wp ways
Remove a way-point. The subcommand rm deletes way-points.(wp rm <NAME>)
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ wp rm ways
removing way-point: ways
drjoliv@mango:~/projects/waypoints$ wp list
way-points: (total 0)
To print usage information:
wp help