Receiver Function and SKS automatic measurement - Seismological Tools Automated Download, processing & Imaging Using Mostly Python (STADIUM - Py)
- By Cédric P Legendre (@cplegendre) and Utpal Kumar (@utpalrai)
- Based on RF analyses by: Tom Eulenfeld (@trichter);
- Based on SKS analyses by: Jack Walpole (@JackWalpole);
- Based on ObsPy:
The User's manual for STADIUM-Py can be downloaded from here.
Install the anaconda Python 3 environment rfsksenv
by running the following command (Note: It requires preinstalled anaconda)
- OSX:
conda env create -f environment_osx_10_14_6.yml
- Linux:
conda env create -f environment_UbuntuXIX.yml
- Windows:
requires installation of Anaconda Python followed by packages in the environement.
To activate the anaconda environement:
conda activate rfsksenv
All these libraries can be installed separately in "non-anaconda" environment as well.
If having some issues with Cartopy, one simple fix may be:
pip uninstall shapely; pip install --no-binary :all: shapely
In Ubuntu, there were conflicts in the different required libraries. Therefore, some of the necessary dependencies needed to be installed manually:
- cartopy
conda install -c conda-forge cartopy
- h5py
conda install h5py
- obspyh5
pip install obspyh5
or --conda install obspyh5
- rf
pip install rf
- splitwavepy
pip install splitwavepy
- cartopy
A total of four files controls the run of STADIUM-Py:
(select region)Settings/stepwise.yaml
(toggle the steps)Settings/advRFparam.yaml
(fine tune the RF parameters)Settings/advSKSparam.yaml
(fine tune the SKS parameters)
Below, you will find a list of the parameters, with possible values and its description.
|default| Define the name of the project directory where all results will be stored.fresh_start
| 0/1 | Delete the 'default' folder and start freshmakeRF
| 0/1 | Run the code to calculate the Reciever FunctionsmakeSKS
|0/1 | Run the code to calculate the shear-wave splitting of SKS phase
In addition, 4 boundary parameters are used to select the region of interest:
|-130 | Minimum longitude of the region of interestmxlong
|-60 | Maximum longitude of the region of interestmnlat
|35 | Minimum latitude of the region of interestmxlat
|50 | Maximum latitude of the region of interest
This file is provided in case user want to run specific part of the code (for testing or parameters adjustments).
data settings
|IRIS | Enter all the clients for data download separated by commas. List of ObsPy clients: . Current list -- 24 items: BGR, EMSC, ETH, GEONET, GFZ, ICGC, INGV, IPGP, IRIS, ISC, KNMI, KOERI, LMU, NCEDC, NIEP, NOA, ODC, ORFEUS, RASPISHAKE, RESIF, SCEDC, TEXNET, USGS,
|* | List of networks (default = all)station
|* | List of stations (default = all)locations
|"","00"| List of locations (default = "","00")
plot settings
|0/1 | Create a stations mapplot_events
|0/1 | Create an events mapplot_all_retrieved_events_stations
|0/1 | Create a stations and event map
RF stepwise
| 0/1 | List all the stations availabledownload_data_RF
| 0/1 | Download the waveforms to calculate the Reciever Functionscompute_plot_RF
| 0/1 | Plot receiver functions?plot_ppoints
|0/1 | Plot the piercing points (for Reciever Functions)plot_RF_profile
|0/1 | Plot the vertical profiles (for Reciever Functions)
SKS stepwise
|0/1 | List all the stations available (for SKS)download_data_SKS
|0/1 | Download the waveforms to calculate the shear-wave splitting of SKS phaseplot_traces_ENZ
|0/1 | Plot the waveforms (for SKS)plot_traces_RTZ
|0/1 | Plot the rotated waveforms (for SKS)plot_SKS_measure
|0/1 | Plot the grid search for phase and delay time.plot_SKS
|0/1 | Plot the results (for SKS)picking_SKS
|0/1 | Picking of the SKS phaseplot_traces
|0/1 | Plot the traces that may contain SKS phaseplot_trigger
|0/1 | Plot the automatic picking of the SKS phase
|rf_stations.xml | station xmlRFsta
|all_stations_RF.txt | station text catalogretr_stations
|all_stations_rf_retrieved.txt | retrived stations list filedata_rf_suffix
|rf_profile_data | rf data file name: {net}-{stn}-rf_profile_data.h5events_map_suffix
|RF-events_map | events map filename suffix {net}-{stn}-RF-events_map.pngretr_station_prefix
|RF_stations | retrieved stations prefixrf_compute_data_suffix
|rf_profile_rfs | rf computation result file name: network-station-rf_profile_rfs.h5rfprofile_compute_result_prefix
|rf_profile_profile | rf profile computation result file name: rf_profile_profile{azimuth}_*.h5
H - K settings
|h-kappa-values.txt | File name for the H-K resultsplot_h
|0/1 | Plot Moho mapplot_kappa
|0/1 | Plot Vp/Vs ratio
RF profile settings
|2 | Amount of EW profilesnum_profile_divs_lon
|3 | Amount of NS profilesppdepth
|70 | Chosen depth for piercing point calculation
RF event search settings
|30 | Minimum epicentral distance (for Reciever Functions)maxradiusRF
|90 | Maximum epicentral distance (for Reciever Functions)minmagnitudeRF
|5.5 | Minimum magnitudes of events (for Reciever Functions)maxmagnitudeRF
|9.5 | Maximum magnitudes of events (for Reciever Functions)
RF filter settings
|0.5 | stream minfreq for bandpassmaxfreq
|2.0 | stream maxfreq for bandpass
RF display settings
|0.1 | height of one trace in inchestrim_min
|-5 | trim stream relative to onset before plottingtrim_max
|20 | trim stream relative to onset before plottingrf_info
|default| additional axes for RF plot, None for no additional axes
File names
|sks_stations.xml | station xmlSKSsta
|stations_SKS.txt | station text catalogretr_stations
|all_stations_sks_retrieved.txt | retrived stations list filedata_sks_suffix
|sks_profile_data | sks data file name: {net}-{stn}-sks_profile_data.h5events_map_suffix
|SKS-events_map | events map filename suffix {net}-{stn}-SKS-events_map.pngretr_station_prefix
|SKS_stations | retrieved stations prefixsks_meas_indiv
|sks_measurements.txt | sks measurements file suffix for individual stationssks_measure_map
|SKS_station_Map | filename of sks measurements map
SKS event search settings
|90 | Minimum epicentral distance (for SKS)maxradiusSKS
|120 | Minimum epicentral distance (for SKS)minmagnitudeSKS
|5.5 | Minimum magnitudes of events (for SKS)maxmagnitudeSKS
|9.5 | Maximum magnitudes of events (for SKS)
SKS filter settings
|0.01 | stream minfreq for bandpassmaxfreq
|0.6 | stream maxfreq for bandpass
SKS picking
|30 | trim the traces for sks picking trace starttime+trimstart to starttime+trimendtrimend
|110 | trim the traces for sks picking trace starttime+trimstart to starttime+trimend
SKS picking algorithm
|recursive_sta_lta | picking algorithm for sks phase...other options are classic_sta_lta, z_detect, carl_sta_trig, delayed_sta_ltasks_picking_algo_thr0
|2.5 | starting threshold for sks picking algorithmsks_picking_algo_thr1
|0.65 | end threshold for sks picking algorithm
SKS measurements constraints
: lam12 #options: snr, lam12; selection parameter of the measurements: either use signal to noise ratio, snr or use the eigenvalue ratio (lambda1/lambda2), lam12
|2 | minimum signal to noise ratio of the traces for filtering good measurementslam12fast_threh
|1.1 | threshold for the lambda1/lambda2 for fast direction picklam12lag_threh
|1.1 | threshold for the lambda1/lambda2 for lag time pick
|0 | minimum allowed lag time in sks measurementsmaxlag
|3 | maximum allowed lag time in sks measurementsmaxdlag
|1.5 | maximum allowed error in the lag time
|7 | maximum allowed error in the fast direction
|0 | make 1 to plot the error profiles of fast direction and lag time for each measurementserror_plot_all
|1 | make 1 to plot the error profiles of fast direction and lag time for each measurements
PS: These parameters should be modified with caution by the users.
Search the events that satisfy some critera (defined input_file.yaml).
Search all stations for which data are available (defined input_file.yaml).
Download the waveforms.
This is an automated procedure that may be time consuming if a large dataset is selected.
- Filter and rotate the trace into the LQ domain.
- Deconvolve the radial and tangential components by the vertical component.
- Calculate the piercing points for each event.
- Stacks the reciever functions before plotting.
- Plot the reciever functions for L and Q components, sorted by back azimuth (or distance).
- Create some vertical profile for all stations in selected regions.
- Filter and rotate the trace into the radial/tangential referencial.
- Minimize the energy on the transverse components.
- Automatically pick the SKS phase.
- Invert for phase and delay time.
- Plot the results.
- Single event RF
- Piercing points
- Single station profile
- Read the station HDF5 file containing all the seismic traces recovered for this station.
- Filter and rotate the trace into the radial / tangential referencial.
Minimize the energy on the transverse components.
Automatically pick the SKS phase. We implemented several picking options from ObsPy to attempt to pick the SKS phase.
- Invert for phase and delay time.
measure = sw.EigenM(data)
- Get all the potential SKS measurements for each station
- Plot the results.
Kumar, Utpal, & Legendre, Cédric P. (2021, January 16). STADIUM-Py: Python Command-line Interface for automated Receiver Functions and Shear-Wave Splitting Measurements (Version 1.0). Zenodo.