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The terraform-aws-lambda-api is an AWS Lambda API Gateway module used by endaft for Terraform deployments.


The variables are as strongly-typed as permitted by Terraform. You shouldn't need to worry about them beyond ensuring your IAC setup passes them all thru to the module. The actual values are generated into a .tfvars file by the endaft CLI. For more detailed info, please review the file.

Name Type Default Description
env string "dev" The deployment environment or stage. Use "production" to eliminate environment prefixes and set the API Gateway Stage to production.
tags map(string) {} The default tgs to assign the created resources.
app_name string The app name
app_domain string The app domain name
web_apps map(string) {} The mapping of sub-domains (key) to bucket resource paths (value).
log_retention_days number 14 The number of days to retain log files.
local_dev_endpoint string "http://localhost:19006" The local development server endpoint, like http://localhost:19006. Used for CORS access.
cognito_logo_path string The path to a logo file for Cognito. Ideally, 350px wide. MUST not exceed 100kb.
cognito_css_path string The path to a CSS file for Cognito. See schema comments for help.
request_params map(string) {} The request parameter mapping for the lambda integration.
token_map map(string) {} The token mapping for the lambda environment variable integration.
identity_providers list(object(...)) [] The user pool identity providers to be connected.
token_validity object(...) id_token: 30 days,
access_token: 1 hour,
refresh_token: 1 hour
The token validity durations used by the user pool.
password_rules object(...) minimum_length: 10,
require_lowercase: true,
require_numbers: true,
require_symbols: true,
require_uppercase: true
The password complexity rules used by the user pool during #.
lambda_configs map(object(...)) A map of name-keyed maps of lambda configurations.


These values are output from the deployment for use in deployment customization.

Name Type Description
lambda_exec_role_arn string The Lambda Execution Role ARN. Useful for granting additional permission like data access.
lambda_exec_role_id string The Lambda Execution Role ID (role name). Useful for granting additional permission like data access.


The AWS Lambda API Gateway module used by endaft for Terraform







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