Software Engineer using tools to automate life.
- Portfolio:
- LinkedIn:
- Behance:
- Turing:
- Leetcode:
- Hackerrank:
- Youtube Channel:
- Meteo-In - Co-Founder Meteo In
- MVP Base - Software Engineering Manager
- Qanoon AI - AI Engineer
- Stable Diffusion - Cloud Computing and Full Stack Engineer - Python, Docker, OpenStack, Nextjs, Shell Scripting etc
- Canadian College for Higher Studies - Blockchain Instructor
- Microslush - Associate Software Engineer - Blockchain, Full Stack Development
- Toptal - Toptal Vetted Talent
- Fiverr - Fiverr Freelance
- Upwork - Upwork Freelance
Frontend: Nextjs, Redux Tool Kit, Reactjs, HTML, CSS, Adobe XD, Typescript/Javascript, Prime React, PrimeFlexCSS[Similar to Tailwind], Scss
Backend: Python, Nodejs/Nestjs, FAST API, SQL Alchemy, TypeORM, Typescript/Javascript, Postgres, Alembic, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, .NET, Linux, SISH, Cloudflare, Parrallel Processing and GPU's, Redis, GraphQL, REST API's
Cloud Engineering: Docker, Cloudflare, GCP, AWS, Azure, SISH
Blockchain: Solidity, Remix, Clarity, Ethersjs, hardhat
Generative AI: Langchain, Diffusion Pipelines, Pytorch
Testing: Selenium, Robot Framework, Postman
- Stable Diffusion:
- Models Lab:
- NUCES BLOCKED[A platform aimed to generate and decentralize verified academic portfolios worldwide][NEXT.JS - REACT - GRAPHQL - POSTGRES - TYPEORM - NEST.JS - SOLIDITY - REMIX - HARDHAT - POSTMAN - APPOLO - PYTHON - SELENIUM - IPFS - ETHERSPROJECT - VERCEL - REACT.PDF]:
- GPU Lab[Cloud Computing Service From Scratch][NEXT.JS - REACT - REST API - POSTGRES - SQL ALchemy - Python - FAST API - Docker - Cloudflared - POSTMAN - AWS - Redis - Linux - Shell Scripting - Ansible - CI/CD - Sentry - Alembic - WebSockets]:
- Qanooni AI[AI powered plugins for Lawyers by Lawyers][NEXT.JS - REACT - REST API - POSTGRES - SQL ALchemy - Python - FAST API- POSTMAN - AWS - Redis- CI/CD - Langchain - Alembic - Word Plugin - Outlook Plugin - Websockets]
- Open Compute: Cloud Compute Platform development alongside youtube videos on how to develop your own step by step.
- Material-Awesome: Desktop environment extremely optimized to 300 MB ram consumption and a beautiful UI to go with.
- Pateon:
- Crypto[Tron USDT]: TU9zwfEAMKYsg5LfR4FbZnBjhHmC5vmeEE
- Crypto[Ethereum ERC20]: 0x0eb2ee8ab45635cc2aea598f9968a93c550450e9
- Crypto[Bitcoin BTC]: 1FkAiAAbEgb69gqrZtSr3Ew7dsnmTaUwen