Laravel 8 with CRUD: users, favorite movies, products and tags
- Requirements: Docker
git clone appLaravel8
cd appLaravel8
composer install
./vendor/bin/sail up
cp .env.example .env
./vendor/bin/sail php artisan key:generate
touch database/database.sqlite
./vendor/bin/sail php artisan migrate
./vendor/bin/sail php artisan db:seed
# Clone
git clone appLaravel8
# Enter in folder
cd appLaravel8
# Install depedencies
composer install
# Copy the variable of enviroment, and revise the config
cp .env.example .env
# Create the key
php artisan key:generate
# Create the database of Sqlite, except if to use other DB
touch database/database.sqlite
# Run migration to create the tables of database - to run seed together [php artisan migrate::refresh --seed]
php artisan migrate
# Run Seed to create some data (roles...)
php artisan db:seed
- About Sail:
After, visit the following address: http://localhost
To run Unit Test: ./vendor/bin/sail test
or php artisan test
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.